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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. Kindle was obviously a drunk and should have been off the list at that point.
  2. http://www.fbschedules.com/nfl/baltimore-ravens.php OK since it is all about last yrs record then how is it that the Ravens schedule is mostly set through 2019?
  3. If I were in Ronda's camp. I would work the leg kick. It gives distance. With that she also has to work her double and single leg take downs. For Ronda to get in for the Judo toss she has to walk through the hands to get to the body. If she gets there at the waist that is negated. From there Ronda has amazing transitions on the ground and can get to the arm or another submission.
  4. And great receivers all over too.
  5. Was it her game plan or Edmon's. He said days after the fight that he thought she was striking well with Holm. He is the one who keeps saying she is one of the best strikers in the world. She is good but she is not near a world class boxer.
  6. Yeah and Cam is 13 places better for yds/a. Joe is #27 near Bortles and Colin. Joe is top 5 in picks.
  7. http://www.theonion.com/article/aging-peyton-manning-now-forced-take-field-assista-51858?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=LinkPreview:1:Default
  8. Pretty stunning loss by Ronda. Her game plan was really bad for fighting Holm. Now she has to go back to the drawing board and fix some flaws.
  9. You realize that the schedule the Ravens play and the Squealers except 2 games in every season. Do you understand how the schedule is even put together? No matter how much you want to ignore it the Ravens beat a bunch of bad teams last yr. This yr the AFCN pulled the murderers row or the AFC and NFC west.
  10. Tyler needs to catch a ball.
  11. http://russellstreetreport.com/2015/11/16/lombardis-way/a-silver-lining-in-ravens-losing-season/
  12. Yeah many teams keep staying in cap trouble because they don't work the cap well.
  13. But this could end up looking like McNair in Tenn. Keep backloading and backloading and backloading and make it just worse.
  14. http://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2015/11/16/former-ravens-dt-terrence-cody-convicted-for-neglecting-his-animals/ Convicted.
  15. How much do you think Elway would want Joe right now? Denver would be the #1 fav for winning the SB with him. They have talent everywhere except QB.
  16. There are so many holes. The DBs almost all need to go. The WR's almost all need to be replaced. The OLB's all need to be replaced. and honestly unless Joe takes a dramatic pay cut he needs to be replaced too.
  17. I don't see Linta giving up much money.
  18. I just don't see the point of holding onto him when everything else needs to go.
  19. Fully starting over is needed now.
  20. https://twitter.com/AcapellaVideos_/status/666090154164166656 This is impressive.
  21. Then we go isolationist.
  22. Well if we would like to nationalize our oil fields then we can bring the price down. Really we have used tax dollars to subsidize the oil industry keeping the cost below what market rate shouldbe. I would be fine with Russia finding themselves in a quagmire.
  23. I have been screaming about them playing down to bad teams for yrs. I remember at least 10 games against cle. I remember a bad loss to StL I guess 4 yrs ago. I couldn't count how many times people on this forum have talked about playing down to other teams over the yrs.
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