I can't wait to see Peyton come the end of Nov. His arm looks like crap now what could it look like when it is cold and windy? Week10 KC@Den Week11 Den@Chi Week12 NE@Den Week13 Den@SD Finally a chance Week14 Oak@Den Week15 Den@Pit Week16 Cin@Den Week17 SD@Den Is 1-7 out of the realm of possibility?
OK. I am just saying why a 15 yr old runs off from the opportunity to have sex and then tells his parents. I bet he no longer goes to McDonogh. The kind of bullying he would have took once this was in the press would be staggering.
Peterson punished how he was punished. He didn't know that wasn't the way to do it. Also timing was bit in this. Ray happened in Feb and the punishment was slow to come out just before the season. Then the vid came out and blew the league and teams carefully laid plans to waste. Ultimately Ray has been scapegoated like I said a yr ago he would be.
It has been decades since a convention actually decided the nom. If Debbie Wasserman Shultz steals this for Hillary after Sanders skull dragging Clinton she will loose the base. Remember Leiberman was #1 for a period of time in in 2004 and came in 5th place. If Sanders wins Iowa and NH then he will gain traction and people will decide to move on from Hillary. http://www.newyorker.com/news/john-cassidy/did-the-media-get-the-democratic-debate-wrong
The problem is it is an insider wanting to push thir horse forward. She lost the CNN, Fox, Huffpost, and all the rest. Remember how in 2012 Fox was sure Mitt would win even though all the polls said he would't.
This yr seems to be the anti politician yr. Political speak and playing insider games is not working. That is why Carson and Trump are polling so well. While Sanders has been in DC fro a long time he doesn't play the game. His "Wall St regulates congress" line rankles the establishment. Also looking at how all the polls from the media groups say Sanders won the debate hands down but the media says Hillary won might blow up in her and their faces.
When he got in I was sure he would lose big but now the way the polls are going I think he has a real shot. If he wins he does get to stock depts like the SEC with his people. He might not get the laws he wants but can make sure the ones that are on te books are used with fire and brimstone.