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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. Tally can be that guy.
  2. OK. But when you need 2 yds for a 1st down I would rather road grade the DL. Lots of moving dancing bears is less likely to get the job done. Also road grading is more likely to demoralize him.
  3. Actually I originally would have agreed with you. But after Vinny left the same stupid moves were being made. So Vinny, Allen and every other guy makes the same stupid moves.
  4. Read Preston also. While he may not tell you what you want to hear he will tell you what you need to hear.
  5. JJC wanted to give all his money to charity. He was a bit of a crazy old man. But Huntsman, Gates, and many other ultra rich are giving all their money away Remember when his wife was driving around with some guy on the hood of her car? The thing I don't like about the ZBS. It is to finesse for my liking.
  6. Actually I think his worse move was firing basically everyone when he bought the team. He eliminated a great deal of institutional experience on the way in the door.
  7. It is ego pure and simple. Just because you are a fan doesn't make you qualified to make football decisions.
  8. Smart move.
  9. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/12/06/report-snyder-allen-may-side-with-rg3-and-fire-gruden/ I hope this goes down.
  10. After the National Championship I was not sure he would be good. While not a superstar he is pretty solid.
  11. What is their prognosis?
  12. Yeah but it sets a poor precedent. Pout about not liking it somewhere get cut and go where you like it. Make him sit at home without pay. They would have been in the same boat.
  13. That is a good point.
  14. Nice.
  15. Actually I think they got played by blount. He wanted out and they gave that to him. They should have given him a 3 game susp and let him sit home without pay.
  16. Peter should give him the same responsibilities the Jays are suggesting. Just a thought. Could Dan see where the team is headed and wants to bail while things look good and let the next guy take the blame.
  17. I guess it isn't like the NFL.
  18. According the the crew they never do it. It makes life much easier fro D's.
  19. A better div record.
  20. I just cannot catch a break. Whenever I do pretty well my opponent does something insane.
  21. That is exactly what I have been saying for some time.
  22. So does Pees suck anymore?
  23. I missed this game too.
  24. Did anyone notice how ugly the Phins mascot is?
  25. I can play.
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