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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. Same here.
  2. As I was told after pointing out a 34 game sample set I was cherry picking. I would say 4 games is really cherrypicking. So is there some rule that would force the Ravens to draft a QB they don't like?
  3. So inking Joe long term was a poor plan? The parts they could have gotten for him would still be on the rise and might not even be on the team yet.
  4. OK I have Binge watched all of the Flash now. It is really smartly done. I didn't think WB had it in them.
  5. So you are saying to send Joe to another team?
  6. It was rated one of the easiest schedules in the league this yr. The only thing is everyone else in the AFCN get to play it too. That is why the whole div could crack .500.
  7. Trade deadline passed over a week ago.
  8. He is not that type of guy. It is yr 7. He is what he is now.
  9. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/521367_10151147338677687_1093039343_n.jpg?oh=2230defdeddf7e594793636d3f11558e&oe=54E33AB9&__gda__=1424587570_a430533a9c137ae409c4f15431ec6483 A breathtaking astronomical view.
  10. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/11/06/report-newsome-testifies-rice-told-goodell-he-struck-fiancee/
  11. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/11/08/khan-hopes-to-extend-but-not-expand-london-commitment/
  12. At worse they are 9-7. I think they lose all the road games the rest of the way. The question is what do they do against Cle the last week of the season?
  13. http://instagram.com/p/u1D1P0FIsa/?modal=true
  14. So how are the bath houses these days?
  15. Most fans are easily lead.
  16. When you get the chance check out Nightcrawler. It is a creepy performance. I was really good. Also check out John Wick. Some amazing action choreography. It looked like a John Woo movie.
  17. I do think the contract stinks.
  18. Seldon Addelson screwed the people of Fla. It went from 90% favorable polls to only 58% on Tue. It was all due to the $5mil Sheldon dumped into advertising.
  19. Joe has 1 more yr of reasonable cap number.
  20. That is huge.
  21. Brady Hoke is doen after the season. If he wants Mich now is the time to jump.
  22. Rick Scott has persoanally enrished himself with drug tests for welfare recipients. Scott has been awful.
  23. Get a refirbished one. http://store.apple.com/us/browse/home/specialdeals/mac
  24. I think they are pretty mediocre. I also am thinking Harbs might be looking for a door out. Leave while his rep is good.
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