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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. It has no meaning in the outcome of the game but it was a stupid attempt. Joe does that way to often.
  2. They have to make their money. The pick will be reviewed and you have the flag. They have time to gets some ads in.
  3. A real best there.
  4. Seems like whenever Kubs is around Jacoby is a disaster.
  5. Jimmmy Jimmy Jimmy
  6. I think this is Jacoby's last yr.
  7. 2 rookies on 1 side it tough. This kind of performance has to be expected. Monroe practiced some this week. It is amazing exp for the kid. According to you even when he isn't.
  8. I didn't know Nolan was down in Atl.
  9. And that has what to do with anything? He is a cog in the offense. His teammates help him get there. Also TB being god awful had a big hand in that. Lets see him throw 4 TD's against cincy or Houston.
  10. A real beast.
  11. He is OK.
  12. Steve Smith is rediculous.
  13. That is a nice FF.
  14. I think they will get putting up the name 11 months ago and they still haven't voted on it. Then ask the people if they don't do their job for 11 months would they still have their jobs. Just watch out for the open sores and puking. Sure you did.
  15. Agreed on all points. But also he is a nom of Obama so he has to be blocked to spite Obama. In fact if I were Obama I would put this whole blame on the GOP Senate because they are blocking the SG. I would run news cycle after news cycle about if only we had an expert in place to keep the American people safe. Being so close to election day it might crush the GOP seats that are running in the Senate. I also heard someone say that Obama should have just made the guy the point man on Ebola. Since the Senate won't vote on his nom I will have him save us on this front. Obama sucks at dirty pool. The GOP was screaming for an Ebola czar (even though they were screaming about every czar before) so Obama hires a guy and they bitch about him anyways.
  16. Yeah I think so. Rooney's pushing out Arians has been a disaster. I am not sure how much longer he would have gone without getting a HC job but he could have left the framework for success behind.
  17. The Jets are out of it now.
  18. I think we need to cut travel with places that have it. First on the list is Texas.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLV2UL5qipE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aS7VlQb5ImI&list=UUaqddlxqMmuFMML1d6NboZg&index=5
  20. The Jets completely win on this. They avoid the bonus pay almost nothing on the picks compensation. It is the best decision a GM has made there in a very long time.
  21. The Jets have nothing but bad GM's. Rex never had a shot.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=89Oc1UE7SS4
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8AuMOGx_KY
  24. It is better than the whims of some obese jackass.
  25. ATL has to be in the bottom 6 in the league.
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