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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. True bt I was peaked at what the group was saying about how slight the penalty was in comparison to Vick. I found that interesting.
  2. I was going to mention the militarization as well. But I would also add that local PD's have been getting military training. they have been trained how the army and marines deal with indigenous people they deal with. We are not Iraqis and we have no business being treated like them in a war zone. Also I saw a sheriff in a news report say he needed his MRAB because of all the big weapons and how dangerous it is for police. Statistically 2013 was the safest yr to be a cop in about 60 yrs. He aslo said they needed protection from the returning military vets.
  3. Click the link to KMOV I had from 11:05. It is an eye witness and she saw them scuffling in the window of the cruiser. Then she basically said the cop executed the kid.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfBFx8a2Cgo
  5. Now I got this. I wonder if I was already automatically loaded in? Maybe you deleted me and I already had a team in.
  6. Yeah I was. I don't understand why it wont let me in.
  7. If they aren't careful Anonymous will release the names and address of every officer and their home address on the net. With that you wait for them to come home and have 15 dudes against 1. You turn police tactics back on them.
  8. http://www.kmov.com/special-coverage-001/Another-witness-to-Michael-Brown-Jr-shooting-speaks-to-News-4-271139501.html It is the police industrial complex. These local PD's are making some companies very rich. In Albuquerque the DOJ made it so cops could not bring their own weapons on duty so the city is buying 350 AR-15's at a cost of $350,000. This is a PD that is basically murdering its citizens a a whim. They have 24 kills in 2 yrs and a great many are not legit.
  9. There is no doubt a civil suit will be filed. In that I do see Stewart paying out something but beyond a reasonable doubt is not something they will get to I think.
  10. The people should send Al away. http://www.salon.com/2014/08/12/in_defense_of_black_rage_michael_brown_police_and_the_american_dream/ I offer no answers. I offer only grief and rage and hope.
  11. I clicked the link but it isn't letting me in.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=GO1SKC6dK7o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75WkEZK_f6g What that this police dept has done is inexcusable. That whole area should arm themselves. If their police want a war it should be given to them.
  13. Yeah his kid was so stupid to get out of the car and approach a moving race car and that is Tony's fault.
  14. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/08/13/heres-an-idea-nfl-getting-serious-about-domestic-violence/ So the whole Rice issue in the lang run may well have been a positive. I guess taking a beating in the public pushes the NFL to the right place.
  15. I have never done that one. But if I really hated someone I would def take a crap on them.
  16. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/08/13/nfl-continues-to-face-assault-on-blackout-rule/
  17. http://news.yahoo.com/watch-robin-williams-communicating-with-koko-the-gorilla-211552228.html
  18. I am sorry but 24 days for killing someone just does not sit well with me. If he had gotten 6 months I would have been fine with it. Donte did everything right that morning except driving. It is the paying for special justice. I look at it like the kid who got off for afluenza or the Johnson and Johnsons heir who just got a few months for sexually abusing a 12 yr old.
  19. See what happens when you push an owner out of town.
  20. http://thedailybanter.com/2014/08/norm-macdonald-may-just-written-best-tribute-robin-williams-yet/#.U-qaOn3SxEU.facebook Norm McDonald said it perfectly.
  21. That is why people are blown away. It is not like Lauren Becall from yesterday who was 89.
  22. I was a Ravens fan until they signed Stallworth. These pics are from about 2004. Well I had to wipe my ass with it first before I burned it.
  23. Absolutely. Usually not that much smack though.
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