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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. Interesting. I don't watch the view.
  2. It was in the 90's. It was during the Monday night wars. As for minor league towns vs major league. It is a much larger investment to build a MLB stadium. I just don't hear about demand for MLB teams like there was about a decade ago.
  3. I don't see any demand anywhere including the south. Fla has been an epic disaster and I think other cities have noticed. Oregon is a dangerous spot. They have a crazy PED law. It has kept the WWE out for yrs. I don't see MLB or the NFL dealing with that.
  4. You need some speed to take bases. It would also be nice if they could bunt.
  5. That is a thing of the past too. Sure it used to be that you could move. Where does a baseball team take their franchise now? Who is clamoring to build a baseball stadium now? The only place to go now for the MLB is contraction.
  6. They are still so incredibly slow. The A's and Tiger's staffs I just don't see as beatable on a 3 days rest rotation.
  7. You live by the HR you die by it. In the PO's that can easily disappear. Sometimes you need to manufacture runs and the O's can't do that.
  8. Tags and the gov of Ohio convinced Art to take the deal. Lerner was in the deal that made him the new owner.
  9. I think in the long term they are trying to push for a new stadium.
  10. Aaron Wilson ‏@RavensInsider 51s Ravens running back Lorenzo Taliaferro's misdemeanor destruction of property, drunk in public case in Va. has been dropped by prosecutors
  11. The A's are all in. I wonder if this is also for them to try to pry a new stadium out of the area.
  12. And we have not seen it with Bundy and Gausman? Harvy was doing pretty well before getting hurt. These are the type of guys that were being talked about. I also heard Schoop which doesn't make sense either. The kid really could be the all star mainstay at 2nd. Exactly what I was going to say. This has not been a single GM and scouting dept over all this time. Andy and Dan have both been on the same page. They need to stay on that direction.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dIheuvIKDg
  14. https://screen.yahoo.com/popular/why-2050-terrifying-040000631.html?vp=1
  15. So you have to hold onto as many as possible to increase the odds that you have a real gem.
  16. What about when they break out the pegs?
  17. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/07/29/the-ravens-are-just-trolling-you-at-this-point/
  18. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10202735725902393 This woman I think is an exception too.
  19. https://www.facebook.com/ken.weinman/posts/10152587334369717?comment_id=10152587559969717&offset=0&total_comments=34&notif_t=feed_comment_reply https://www.facebook.com/groups/747699828608180/802429019801927/?notif_t=group_comment_reply
  20. I really like him. I agree with him about 80% of the time.
  21. He was very good. Rachel McAdams fell out of her accent every once and awhile. They should have left Robin Wright as a blond. She is distracting with black hair. But all and all it is very good.
  22. It will be amazing to watch this blow up in Peter's face. A 30 yr old pitcher gets off one roster and will be saddled to a div rival. Then Boston will get a young arm to torch the O's with for yrs.
  23. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/louisiana-republican-flees-interview-asked-115123316.html
  24. Ed will never be a Raven again. Also they need CB's.
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