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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73Nj7EEfUu0 An interesting vid especially the end.
  2. The problem is knowing a woman is trained to beat your ass in time. At first you might think it is a joke that she is coming at you. Then after she tags you a few times you are thinking oh no there are 4 of her now.
  3. More than 1 guy. She is a bad woman. I have talked with John Rallo and he laughed when I told him I wanted to roll rith Rhonda. I want to have her go after the armbar and I want to see how long I can defend it. I would be impressed with myself for holding it off for 45 secs. I outweigh her by about 100 lbs.
  4. If a woman was trained like a Rhonda Rousey decided to beat my ass if I don't realize it to late I would have to punch back to save myself.
  5. http://www.wxyz.com/news/local-news/water-cooler/unbelievable-video-train-runs-over-women-attempting-to-cross-railroad-bridge-women-survive Also some people really should get theri Darwin Award nomination.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUyYBrlF_W8 A Most Wanted Man is a damned fine character study. It is not James Bond. I think this is what the CIA is really like. I also saw Lucy. While not perfect there is some really cool ideas and visuals in it. I wish it had had a coupel more rewrites before they filmed it.
  7. What was the question now? Really? I would like to see some video evidence of QB occasionally running out of bounds for a sack instead of chucking the ball.
  8. He wasn't defending Rice. In fact go back and watch the video of SA Smith when the TMZ vid first came out. He pretty well butchered Ray. He was suspended for the "women provoking being hit" comments You don't even need a larger woman. Take Rhonda Rousey. She could beat this shit out of every man on this site. Skill is more important than size.
  9. Agree with Dee on this one. I remember in the early 90's rumblings about DV being a big thing in the NFL. She was conscious when she got on the elevator. Ray said he hit her unless you thing he is a liar. She was dragged off the elevator unconscious like a sack of potatoes. Ding ding ding!!! He admitted it because he knows what the commish had access to and didn't want to be like Vick and bold face lie to Goodell and have it blow up in his face.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XzTXJP8KKo Check this out.
  11. He hit his GF. What is your definition of DV?
  12. It is from freethoughtproject.com via FB.
  13. We have not seen the video in the elevator. It maybe nothing it may look bad. Again 1st offense this is what a DA regardless of who it is does 99% of the time. Rice married her the day after his indictment. That screams to me the Suggs effect. I think that is the issue. There isn't a precedent when it comes to DV. I think it is something Goodell needs to start taking far more seriously. Rite Aid is not th ebest example but it was the first company with a bunch of locations that popped into my head. Also there are more than 1 guy on a bunch of these rosters who have DV. We know Suggs and Rice alone on the Ravens. Some teams have a few. http://www.slate.com/blogs/crime/2012/12/04/jovan_belcher_murder_suicide_no_seriously_the_nfl_really_does_have_a_domestic.html http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/story/19705044/goodell-committed-to-stemming-nfls-dui-domestic-violence-arrests He's done a bang up job on that.
  14. That is the point. You said the prosecutor agreed he was defending himself. In that the prosecutor only said he agreed to the diversion program how do you know what the prosecutor knows or thinks? I was the one who brought up Suggs when Rice married his fiance. I could not tell you what was in her head as to why she decided to marry him. Suggs did it to get off of his DV case. To a degree it seems to have worked for Rice also. Again 21 of 32 teams have a woman beater on theri roster. I bet I could take 32 Rite Aids and it would not get to 15 DV accusations in their employees. There is a DV culture in the NFL and it has existed for quite some time. How about the league start dealing with that instead of tapping a QB on the head? Again misplaced priorities. If the league had last week back I bet they would have gone 4 games now. Curious what womens rights groups are planning now.
  15. In case anyone wanted to know what a lightening strike can do to the body- given that they survive.
  16. 1 The prosecutor said nothing of the sort. He agreed to allow a 1st time offender into a program instead of going for a prosecution. That happens all the time for assaults, drugs, dui, and all sort of other crimes. 2 I have to agree that with a league that has 21 of the 32 teams with at least one DV perpetrator on the roster that the league while strong arming on so many fronts doesn't see it as an issue. This was a case where the commissioner could have began to take a stand. Unlike many DV cases in the league where they happen at home this one happened in a public place and TMZ got the video and everyone got to see it. Basically I think the league has misdirected priorities.
  17. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/07/28/nfl-v-p-adolpho-birch-struggles-to-justify-ray-rice-suspension/ It is getting worse.
  18. Goodell created a cluster Ef. Ho wcould he have not seen this coming? If he didn't then he is not qualified for his job.
  19. I really do think that the OL is as good as Wagner is. If he turns out then the Ravens really made out last yr.
  20. You are debating the guy who wantingly ignores obvious comparisons all the time to fit a desired predetermined outcome.
  21. I think if they had brught him along slowly he might have been good.
  22. You would be the first one wanting a player if they were short mid season and the D was giving up big plays.
  23. If they don't need him thye cut him then. It is insurance that costs them nothing.
  24. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/07/26/report-impassioned-plea-from-rices-wife-influenced-goodell/
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