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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. Most first simple assault cases would be handled the same way. Rice admitted he hit her to the cops. That would have been admissible in court and with the video and that admission he would have been convicted.
  2. He also doesn't count to the 53 man roster until he is activated.
  3. Of course. He will not be part of the 53 man roster for the length of the susp and if something happens at safety you have your guy in place.
  4. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/07/25/ravens-pr-chief-owner-rise-to-the-defense-of-ray-rice/
  5. Someone is going to sell it to TMZ.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Di2_EM3zCg
  7. Most 1st offenses are plead down usually to something other than a conviction.
  8. Too freaking funny. So if he was in Fla and killed her and was deemed to have done it legally I wonder what Goodell would have done then.
  9. The NFL is getting lit up for the short susp.
  10. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/07/24/modell-family-wants-to-press-charges-against-grave-urinator/
  11. I think he really is a Squealers fan.
  12. I have not condemned your fandom. I have said be more objective. I have also questioned Joes abilities. What Joe can do has nothing to do with a persons reason to like the Ravens or any other team.
  13. Why don't they do halter top night again?
  14. So being doltish on the field is the same as being left hanging on the sidelines? Manning being the bitch he always is equals what? Grasping I think. I don't have one. OK I would like to see that plays where Manning or Brady just balled up when he could have dumped the ball. If that actually happened then it would be equitable.
  15. They have all run out of bounds for a sack? Really? I would like to see video of this. So citing it would be fantastic.
  16. They have all run out of bounds for a sack loss? Really? Please cite one.
  17. How many QB's run out of bounds for about a 7 yrs loss on a sack? I only recall 1.
  18. Tedford is one of the early spread guys. That is why it was thought Cal was a QB system place.
  19. Actually morons do pretty well in the spread. Look at Boller. You really should exclude yourself from these conversations in that you have no idea what you are talking about.
  20. Well it is an apples and apples argument. Both were not wanted by theri old teams anymore.
  21. https://instagram.com/p/quGZtLNNaL/media?size=l I can't get a link that will post as an img.
  22. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/07/21/super-bowl-psls-could-be-coming/ This is insanity.
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