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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. That is why I like Eric Church. He has an edge. Coutry has turned into pop music. Most guys out there are crap.
  2. Who knows with perception. I don't expect Matt to be here in 2016. He was really raising his value this yr and now that is up in smoke. I figure the worst case happens. He plays lights out starting right around trade deadline next yr drives his value into outerspace and he simply walks away.
  3. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/06/22/another-summer-another-concert-mess-at-heinz-field/
  4. Sure why not. It shows the fan base you tried when he walks away. Boas will never agree so you are fine.
  5. http://www.dallasnews.com/sports/college-sports/texas-aggies/20140620-billboard-in-tyler-texas-takes-jab-at-cowboys-proclaims-city-is-cleveland-browns-territory.ece
  6. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/06/21/fedex-ceo-refuses-to-say-whether-he-supports-washington-name/ It isn't good when a sponsor is less than supportive.
  7. Let me be more specific. The Ravens lost anyways. Way to much turnover to fast to be effective last yr. If that is the case then do the full turnover and eat the yr. Again embrace the suck.
  8. No. Why would I want to go to a browns board? They lost last yr anyway. They were going to have major turnover. Grasping that embrace the suck as it is and go all in for the best pick.
  9. Sure but I think it was less him and more a moster run game and an amazing D. He was along for the ride. I make basically the same evaluation of Joe. I do have to say as dopey as Terry was he seems to have made better decisions. Granted I was not alive for a lot of his career and he was done before I really saw the game but tapes I have seen he seems like something of an assassin.
  10. Yep. If they had picked smartly over the last decade they would be monster but they have wasted their picks over and over. Finally this season they had a draft that used reason and logic.
  11. Different eras with different pay scales. I don't think Terry is doing to badly.
  12. I got into it with Rob Long on that issue. He thinks Bradshaw is HOF worthy.
  13. I have never understood why Bradshaw was in the HOF.
  14. I would have had Taylor be bad for 2013. I would have th erookie play if he were ready or Taylor suck again this yr and have another solid pick in 2015.
  15. I looked at it a couple weeks ago. It was a post route.
  16. No he chucked a ball. I can chuck a ball.
  17. Sry Crav but 9 routes are not throwing guys open. You throw guys open on short routes. RM when a WR has to be Robin to catch the ball the QB didn't throw it well.
  18. I looked at the skill sets and have projected. I am also not one of the people who gives up on a rookie when he doesn't pan out after a game. Now I see people talking Wagner. You posted an article on him. I was talking him before the draft. I was saying he looked like he might be the RT. But I see the world is ending from people around here when I said it because they need a top rookie or a major FA to fill that spot. Just looks like weak sauce what is going on at this particular moment.
  19. How have you made an evaluation of these rookies when they haven't played yet?
  20. I don't care about what is written at this time of yr and what coaches say. It is BS. I want to see them play.
  21. Aaron Wilson ‏@RavensInsider 9m Ravens are adding both Aaron Ross and Dominique Franks to the roster, according to sources
  22. Sure I have. I would have traded Joe when he asked for the world lost last yr anyway like they did get as many great picks as possible and drafted a QB in 2014 knowing this was going to be a good class.
  23. They are zone blocking so he won't be road grating.
  24. About mid season they should be pretty well on the same page.
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