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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. Running Air Correal wasn't working that yr.
  2. It wasn't run that yr. Zorn wanted to but Cam didn't.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=rFWs2Z_RZ3Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3D0e0miMSI0
  4. Julio Jones is great. There have been plenty of very good Bama players. I bet the percentage is about the same as other schools players turning out.
  5. I thinnk this is from not havingto workout so much with the current CBA.
  6. Becasue Zorn was pushing for going WC offense.
  7. I am just imagining a decaying orbit and it re-enters the atmosphere and vaporizes. It is like I would think firing a hose up. The water eventually comes down.
  8. Wouldn't it just re-enter the atmosphere in short order?
  9. I do have to say that the Ravens fired Zorn a WC guy in favor of Cams down field style and Joe favored Zorn.
  10. http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/ravens-insider/bal-ravens-news-and-notes-20140601,0,122977.story?track=rss
  11. http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/06/02/neil-degrasse-tyson-when-the-rich-start-losing-money-theyll-take-climate-change-seriously/
  12. The thing is some people see things very differently. When I look at the chalk board I just see letters and numbers. Will hunting sees beautiful equations.
  13. Insticts, speed, strength, and other inately individual qualities.
  14. Exactly. They know how to explain what to do. They spent little time on the field and all the time learing hwo all the parts worked.
  15. Also in many cases throwing to a spot aka throwing your WR open. I cannot remember one throw in Joes career where he has done this. He waits for guys to come open that is one reason he holds the ball to long. I think he lacks faith in his WR's and has way to much faith in his arm.
  16. But a lot of great players are not good coaches. They can't explain how to do it. They were just so good and those they coach are just not.
  17. Raymond Berry. He coached against Ditka in that SB. Also I would give Buddy more credit for that SB than Mike. With no Buddy Ditka was a pretty pathetic coach.
  18. Yeah. I don't think he will be here. He burned a bridge in many ways.
  19. To those claiming new climate regulations will destroy the economy, here's how past claims panned out.
  20. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/06/01/john-harbaugh-well-be-looking-for-ways-to-bolster-roster/
  21. What part of saying proof reading was hard to grasp?
  22. What you said makes no sense. If auto correct is the issue I have an idea. Proof read.
  23. https://www.yahoo.com/movies/how-quicksilvers-standout-scene-in-x-men-days-of-87308240107.html
  24. Then can you supply the crav to english dictionary?
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