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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/silvas-two-round-mock-draft-044100185--nfl.html
  2. http://deadspin.com/the-askemmert-q-a-is-going-poorly-1564610605 Tweeted questions for the pres of the NCAA.
  3. What makes you AssUMe that?
  4. That same argument was made last yr and they didn't cut him. He didn't embarrass the team since he never made it there. Also if he gets busted for 30 mph over the speed limit they will ignore that too. If he is nailed for rape, murder, or something else big they will deal with it when they get to that bridge.
  5. He could be cut in Aug. It costs the Ravens noting if he is here now.
  6. He is 24 and was great at BAMA. He showed hints in Oak. They think they can get production.
  7. Yeah if a team thought he could give them anything he would be on a roster that afternoon.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNCwb5yoQtw I forgot all about this. I think they did it as a joke on these ESPN ads.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4ueFDnWT5Y
  10. He stopped playing well in Cincy then sucked in NE. He had what 4 yrs of no production?
  11. He stopped producing so he can't play in the NFL.
  12. You wouln't lose rev from the 2 games. The tix remain sold. They are just turned into regular season games. A team could sell tix to the scrimmage. I would give it away for free if I were the team.
  13. The form would not be at the facility. It would be with the NFLPA. Then the union submits it to the league.
  14. Yeah has that been done in history before?
  15. This is what they can do when eliminating 2 preseason games.
  16. I am sure they could work out some kind of way for a players consent. Maybe he tells the NFLPA ahead of time that he wants coaching.
  17. Totally agree.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upFWxf5F-qQ
  19. Yeah the unattended consequence. I think the NFLPA should go to the league and reword this to allow for voluntary meetings.
  20. Glasses don't put a guy over the top for me.
  21. http://www.incrediblethings.com/art-design/dc-universe-superheroines-as-pin-up-models/ I love these. There are several others.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnaZBRumpg4
  23. Nope Rick Perry is the man now.
  24. Then most of the league would not be there on Sundays. Also if he does make the team I do expect you to be one of the first to say he is great.
  25. https://www.commondreams.org/view/2014/04/14
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