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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. Yeah he allowed her to drink up as much as possible first.
  2. I love how Craig does his monologue as stream of consciousness. Coming out with nothing exactly put down is impressive. He usually kills it to.
  3. You should check out the Louis CK ep. He was very good.
  4. good sue them into the ground.
  5. The owners are not looking to eat up all the new revenue they would make. Your plan would make that pretty close. The cap would expand a great deal with 18 games. That is 2 more games to sell to networks. The only reason they are pushing 2 more playoff teams is to get more money. I also am not surre that will be a go. There would be 2 preseason games. I would also expect to see at least a couple of scrimmages each team. That gets you the tape you need to make cuts intelegently.
  6. While Alex will race out to the thinnest of branches he is right more thna he is wrong. If he would calm down and act rationally he would be much more convincing. Peirs played that perfectly allowing Alex to fly off the handle and marginalize himself.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcF51YBPGxA&list=UUwTcFaOYFjIbxHjrmP0ptxw
  8. Malls are dying. Unless you are a super high end or a mega mall you are done.
  9. If he is not going to stay they have to trade.
  10. So you do funny gags on Fallon or Kimmell that go viral and people are talking about you. The interview part has always been the place I didn't care about. Ususally I just switched at that point.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fIY7r_V7tM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpXHL6j1iGs
  12. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/04/11/kaepernick-sounds-off-against-tmz-report/
  13. He barely does interviews. I think that concept of the talk show dying vary quickly. He is sortof doing a variety show.
  14. You could probably get it a little cheaper than that but even at that number in the long run that will be a cheap deal. I can see Manny pulling down $27+ a yr in about 5 yrs.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ib86ZmUBOY I love how acts are willing to play along with Jimmy.
  16. There is no way they jump it by 12 players. It is 2 games and im my plan it would be 1 more game for a player.
  17. I am quite confident Davis is gone unless he just isn't that good and other teams don't really want him. I would already have Manny inked to 10 yrs right now. That would take him to 31.
  18. IF Matt is only a defensive guy at his height his knees will fall apart very early and he will not be that guy anymore. If Davis was a 1 yr wonder he should have been traded this last off season.
  19. I think the same thing will apply to Matt and Chris.
  20. OK but my point is that JJ was not worth paying.
  21. I thought it was a good move then. There are about 5-7 closers that are worth big money and Johnson last yr proved he was not one of them.
  22. Sure it would. The reason why you don't suit up everyone is because not every team will have an entire roster ready to go. So if you have 5 hurt then those are the ones that are down. Also in my scenario only playing 17 games you would not have all active on a given week.
  23. The same thing could have been said in the Stubenville case but they were convicted.
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