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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. YEah. If they couldn't coach him up for 3 yrs I doubt they can do it now.
  2. That is ne thing with Ozzie. He is not willing to end a poor experiment of his picks. If they don't pan he will hold out hope that they will get their for way to long.
  3. They had control of him for the yr bt I would have let him walk.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxOfkC3kHiI&list=UUwTcFaOYFjIbxHjrmP0ptxw Interesting review.
  5. It isn't even the articulation. The tying several disimilar situations together is interesting.
  6. Yeah sorta. I equate Catwoman to Black Cat. Both cats, both quasi good, both theives, both have had personal relationships with their main counterpart.
  7. But who is? It might take 10-15 yrs for another guy like him to come around.
  8. Sure. The guy could help teach the offense to who is here now.
  9. Probably a camp body.
  10. On a side note this is a damn interesting read.
  11. http://www.samanthafish.com/shows/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8RR5xTEu88 I was looking for a copy of War Pigs to send somebody and saw this blond in a thumbnail so I clicked it. She can sing and play and did a very good job so all cool. Then I decided to see if she is player nearby. I saw Daytona as a date so thought of you.
  12. To one degree or another all the comic book companies have copeid each other.
  13. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/04/04/steve-smith-focused-on-catching-up-fitting-in-with-ravens/
  14. Qadry was a career #2. I think Torrey now is better than Qadry ever was.
  15. That was fantastic. Again how would you ever think to put clayton in that situation?
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqe_D9TKlw4 Even with sports I have zero interest in they keep making these great ads. They have been doing this for at least a decade now and theru are still so smart and funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJP2cHUmrUY
  17. Of course. I think you are still high but Torrey is still very good and well worth signing long term but at this point he is not a guy who can silence a D on his own. All the rest of the guys I listed can. I would put Jeffrey (not Jefferies), Antonio Brown, Allen, maybe Royal, Fitz, and Johnson ahead of him too. I see them all as #2a types. Torrey is 25. I would take him to a contract that gets him to about 32 or so. At that time cut ties.
  18. OK. I had not heard that. On another note I am so in love with this film already. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVt32qoyhi0
  19. Maybe Spoiler Alert. If you don't want to know what happens stop reading. I think I figured out how when they kill Gwen Stacy in this Spider-Man. Emma Stone is wearing the exact outfit Gwen wears when she dies in the comics. I don't think they do it on the Brooklyn Bridge though. That shot in the trailer where Spiddy catches her falling and then flips over to protect her as they crash through a window is it. Later in the trailer she is falling inside a building and he is trying to catch her so I think that is the time.
  20. Demarious was able to make even Tebow look good. You notice I didn't add Decker in there. I like him but he is a complimentary guy. Marshall has produced everywhere basically and has been shut down more by his head than his ability. Now that he is on meds he seens to be almost unstoppable. I almost added Jeffries to the list but 1 season is not enough for me to have him there. AJ is great. Again a guy can be shut down for a game or two but for long periods no. Torrey was not there for what 6 games straight. Gordon is just sick. He is a young Megatron. He basically carried the Cle offense the whole 2nd half last yr. He just stepped into #1 status to me. Julio has been basically unstoppable until he hurt his knee. That could take him out of the list. Until I see what he does now I have to leave him there.
  21. Yeah I think Superman v Batman is going to suck (BTW it comes out the same day as CA3). They are desperate to do a Justice League movie because of the Avengers and they are working fast to get the parts out. They have WW in there to some degree but I am hearing that they will have Green Lantern too. Spder-Man 3 sucked because they put to much in. During the X-Men trailer where Wolverine is on the table and someones hands are on the side of his head and they are glowing those are her hands. She is sending his conciousness back in time. Logan basically stopped aging in his 30's so he alwasy looks the same. I am reading that they may recast him after this film though. Jackman is like 48 and how long can he stay this jacked up. It has basically been nonstop for the last 6 yrs. Wolverine 3 and the next X-Men are already in the pipeline which him 3-4 more yrs of staying in this shape. That is really tough.
  22. http://mmqb.si.com/2014/04/02/richard-sherman-desean-jackson/ This guy is so on point and honest. He has put a huge bulleye on his back so he needs to keep his nose clean because if Goodell gets a chance he will mount him to a wall. I see this guy running the NFLPA someday.
  23. You are like me and hate going to these with the fanboys. Movies like this I see during the week. What are the thoughts on the new X-Men. I am not really down with Kity Pryde doing time travel. I guess they needed a way to mesh the 2 casts but I don't knwo about that way. Also as much as I love Ellen Page she is not what I have in mind of Kity Pryde.
  24. I like how they are having Capt questioning the ethics of SHIELD. It looks like the deep subject matters of the comics.
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