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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. OK DC and myself are the only ones in so far.
  2. Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would you like some Horse Jim? To bad daddy moved the team to Indy. He would be so close to the corner to get his fix here.
  3. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/03/17/source-describes-jim-irsay-as-a-sick-sick-man/ http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/03/17/report-irsays-behavior-was-alarming-around-colts-organization/ I thought his tweets were weird and out of control last yr.
  4. After this morning I call BS on myself.
  5. Most don't get caught.
  6. He gained weight because he wanted to be the guy who could get the tough yds. The hip more than likely was from wear and tear.
  7. I call BS on that.
  8. They all cheat.
  9. For maybe a yr until his moronic fans see he can't play.
  10. I think Serman did that this past yr.
  11. I only check in with 1st Take to see what SA Smith has to say. I agree with skip once every 1000 topics or so.
  12. One thing he also has going for him is the Touey's. I don't see him burning his cash. I bet they have helped him invest his money safely. Good that he has landed in a good spot.
  13. I wouldn't say setback. It is more a unrealistic hopes of making openning day.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QP9RVsR5zkU There is a Ravens eval in here.
  15. I bet Bill trades him.
  16. Art was also a wrestler. During the lockout he was training with Jon so I would bet he knows some BJJ at the least. I agree in general. During the last Rhonda Rousey fight I was thinking about if we were in a gym and I told her I would defend the arm bar how long before she took my arm. I figured it was about 90 secs. I out weigh her by well over 100lbs. My point is Art has some skills.
  17. Another steal contract. Pat is getting some good deals.
  18. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/03/14/arthur-jones-claims-he-can-whip-his-ufc-champion-brothers-butt/
  19. Most likely they knew they had no shot to get him back so why bother? Why give him an insulting offer?
  20. I think he should have averaged at least $2mil a yr more. That is about a 33% discount. That is a steal.
  21. Someone is going to give this guy 3 mil a yr too much.
  22. I thought I saw Browner is heading to NE.
  23. I find Finnegan being mentioned when he has been castigated here so many times. He is very hard nosed and the kind of player I like.
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