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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. Agreed.
  2. My top 10 is Animal House Caddyshack Groundhog Day Vacation Stripes Ghostbusters Meatballs Analyze This Orange County Knocked Up A really epic career.
  3. I think he will be stronger too. He was very good on ST's.
  4. I think the kid gets a lot of playtime this yr.
  5. I think that was a cap issue but I might be wrong.
  6. Leach is gone. He did come from Kubs in Hou though but I think they are just going to move on.
  7. I think Hue really works well with Dalton. The question is the D to me.
  8. This is one reason I don't think they should allow coaching and GM interviews until after the SB. Put every cannidate and team on equal footing.
  9. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/02/27/report-incognito-vandalized-his-own-car-with-a-bat/
  10. That is why you ink him earlier. You also can't way over pay for a guy.
  11. Schools think so. Seems being a growing male is now a disorder.
  12. http://www.sbnation.com/mlb/2014/2/26/5449984/mlb-over-under-odds-2014 They do have them as over.
  13. That is what I would do. I would do a 16,000 seat or so stadium. The track would allow for a couple of festivals a yr. I wuld also have race/concert days. Lower scale frm Preakness but the same general concept.
  14. The only issue I have with that is other places have lot sof success with racing. In Cal and Fla it does well. Churchill Downs does well. The neighborhood and no night racing make for an unfriendly environment.
  15. I would have gotten him inked before now. Now it could take many more millions to do it. With that theyshould get it done via the draft.
  16. If Miami pays like crazy then I be he takes it.
  17. Actually I don't think they shoudl use it at all this season.
  18. You can't tag Monroe. He isn't that good.
  19. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/02/26/dolphins-very-much-like-eugene-monroe-and-branden-albert/ I would say this means he hits FA. There is no way you can't start a bidding war.
  20. hey have thought about a new track there. I just expanded on that idea.
  21. http://filmingcops.com/you-dont-have-free-speech-cop-says-to-american-filming-him/ Click the link to watch the vid.
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