And it is a bad deal too. Just because everyone is moronic you should not follow them. The NFL does new things. The Ravens should be the smart ones and lead to not getting into bad contracts. Like Dallas and bmore they inked a poor deal for an overrated QB. They will regret this deal fairly soon.
They will not eat that high pay while getting that contract. Here are his base salaries then. 2016 18,000,000 2017 20,600,000 2018 20,000,000 Report: Redskins to interview Jim Caldwell Rooney rule again I think. Or maybe a guy that Snyder can push around.
Joes deal is like Romo. Not smart. Owners need to put their foot down on these guys and make it so if you are a difference amker you get real big bucks. If you are a cog in the machine of the offense you get cog money. I was just showing large deals and how much they take. Not all of them are bad.
The problem is you did not quote that statement. You quoted when I said big. Not every big contract is a bad one. I said those that are big and OK. Joe, Ngata, and Ray are big and bad contracts.