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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. I think it is some him wearing down and some being gameplanned.
  2. You are not the worry. Creating LR decension is what can be the issue.
  3. It should not have been mentioned.
  4. Yeah. No Joe should be fine. The Pats D is shreded. He will be fine by Cincy.
  5. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/12/18/justin-tucker-nails-afc-weekly-honors/
  6. No need to do it at the expense of someone else. I don't recall McGahee saying something like this when Ray was taking over.
  7. http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/ravens-insider/bs-sp-ravens-notes-1218-20131217,0,743704.story Ray you should keep that opinion to yourself.
  8. OK but I would get him done early.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpIgy2q-1-w http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-XuupihdOo https://www.google.com/shopping/product/18243754166921940596?q=football+tee+for+field+goals&bav=on.2,or.&biw=1440&bih=726&bvm=pv.xjs.s.en_US.EeLgqkzqnSg.O&tch=3&ech=1&psi=i7KxUtjaBajKsQTpkYLoDg.1387377483033.3&wrapid=tlif138737752230711&sa=X&ei=crOxUoKGG-rNsATu9oDoCQ&ved=0CKwBEPICMAo I wonder what Wilson calls it.
  10. What would you call that contraption? I guess you would call it the football holder thingy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hj_BQbpSPRM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKj9x5RtHAs I wonder where other people get these special contraptions?
  11. Yeah before that he hit Amandola straight in the hands. That was a TD and that pick would not have happened. Time and down were working against him so he forced it. Had he had Welker instead might have had the score.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28wQOvEu2PU Are there anymore faux facts you would like to tout?
  13. They are guys he has hired and they are wrong a lot. At one point this season during a challenge they showed his challenge success rate and he was one of the worst in the league.
  14. I say for the laughs they give it to Shanahan.
  15. It sounded like this was what he was using. This does not add distance to a kick.
  16. Yeah he and Torrey are the same draft. They have tenders but they should be inked long term.
  17. There are only 2 games left. He would have to be truely dreadful the res of the way for him to not get a big contract.
  18. To bad it wasn't for more than$2 mil. It woudl have been great for him to burn up more bad money for tehm.
  19. Also burning all that time after the completion with about 40 secs left. Use a godamned TO and save the time.
  20. This kid isn't Stover. He can kick the long ones. The thing is they better not get like the Slurs were with Chip Lowmiller. They got to the point of always getting conservative and relying on his leg in the end. The Ravens got like that too with Stover.
  21. You know it is in his range. If you miss the 1st down which I think was likely atthat point the game is over.
  22. Addition by subtraction.
  23. They had to kick it. They were not picking up yds regularly. It was a long 4th down. Didn't they say he kicked a 70 yder in pregame?
  24. I can't see Brees laying eggs 2 weeks in a row.
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