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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. So agree but disagreement has never been kosher.
  2. I am leaning to this was like the Chi game. The Minny D blows so Ray and the run game looked better than they are.
  3. Exactly.
  4. No and Yes. That is unless teams start contracting adn the players uniion starts losing members.
  5. Joe finifhed the game like a total stud. That said the picks and also not getting the snap off when they were mistenly given the 1st down is all him. But team mirror their coach. I wonder who doesn't get game mang either.
  6. I defiantly think they would have gotten to 9-3. He is so good at correcting for Joe.
  7. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/12/07/ravens-add-dennis-pitta-to-roster/
  8. Damn I forgot scrooged too. Push everything from 2 down.
  9. And both are very poor contracts.
  10. AP is also hurt. This is a good chance for the kid to get some good starting time.
  11. Not a huge loss with their passing game.
  12. I forgot Elf. I would put it at about 5 and push it all down.
  13. Weiters is gone I think. I think Davis will be too. Manny is not repped by Borras so I would talk to him right now about 10 yrs. I go for 120-150.
  14. Seattle brought him back.
  15. The O's cannot be lured into these insane 10 yr $275 mil deals. If moronic teams want to throw money away then let them. The O's need to build from within and trade guys strategically. I would offer Manny a 10 yr deal right now though.Maybe they could get him to ink it for $120-150.
  16. That is so well stated.
  17. For most of the season he has been playing great.
  18. Or it's a wonderful life.
  19. Yeah go through the motions to make the fans happy.
  20. And I would say it was great that Tex went up to NY. His contract has been really an anchor.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuzuFlG_33Q&list=UUiWLfSweyRNmLpgEHekhoAg What I have been echoing. These contracts will be horrible in the back end and then you are screwed.
  22. I don't get what you are trying to say.
  23. Why state the obvious?
  24. Both D'as are no joke. Also Det does have a cyborg at WR.
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