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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. They did that already this yr.
  2. I ran into these. http://talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/insurance-companies-misleading-letters-obamacare http://www.mediaite.com/online/cbs-news-obamacare-victim-now-calls-losing-health-plan-a-blessing-in-disguise/
  3. The rotation definately has eaten into his numbers.
  4. Yeah I get that. Some colleges have team doctors give notes saying what injury the player has so the shoe company like Nike will say OK you can tape his ankle. Basically the shoe campany has a veto in their pocket to stop medical treatment. The article said also that one reason UA has their logo on the toe is because of this. They never have their logo taped over. The league contract could have allowances for the league to say what drug a player tests positive for.
  5. I would think they have a Hippa exemption. I was reading an article this weakend about how NCAA has exemptions for schools to inform profs and others within the school. The issue was with guys who have their ankles taped around their cleats (aparently it is called spatting). With the schools getting money from shoe manufacturer there are stipulations about spatting. The school will send doctors letters to Nike to say this player needs taping. According to the contracts they saw there is nothing in the exemptions allowing for this and now that it has come out I would expect players to add that to the suits against the NCAA.
  6. I was saying that it could be aderal or something like that. Some were thinking roids or weed. I really think the league should say what the drug is so the speculation doesn't run rampant. If the Dr forgot to put in the paper work he should reimburse Asa for lost wages.
  7. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/11/05/asa-jackson-reinstated-from-suspended-list/
  8. How many guys can he kick out the door who question the team?
  9. Ray would walk out on talking to the media during bad losses. Very few will stand up for it. Suggs was never going to be a real leader. He is to much of a kid.
  10. Actually they did have the room to tag Joe. They had to still move guys and they would have. They could have negotiated a trade before the tag deadline.
  11. Jones is going to be priced out of staying. That isn't a bad thing but I don't see how they can afford him.
  12. Prestons article said as much.
  13. Jones is playing well. Also Smith has been playing great at LB and he was dirt cheap.
  14. Fear. Unless they didn't run with the lemmings and won. I wanted the Ravens to redo Ngata in his 2nd yr and get him done real cheap compared to the market. Even with bad play if he was averaging say $4.5 a yr the Ravens would be winning at that spot. I said to trade Rice but that could not be done. RB's dime a dozen and have short life spans. Yep I wanted to do the deal before Hayneworth got his.
  15. Who said you have to go back to that. That is doing just because of fear. Go in and take control and shift the paradigm.
  16. 1 game does not make a solid career. Take the picks. This yrs QB class looks quite good. Also 2015 gets you the FSU QB. That is why paying a QB that much who can't carry a team is insane.
  17. It takes some time to untrain bad habits.
  18. I would have traded him. He needs tyo much help to get that kind of money.
  19. I know so much is team propoganda.
  20. They are saying that Caldwell and Flacco are not allowed to run what they want. They are being dictated to what to run.
  21. There are a lot of QB's making money they don't deserve.
  22. So the guy who is not qualified to call a d or offense is telling them how to run the offense?
  23. But I am talking about this yr.
  24. He is young. He should be fine.
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