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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. A team would leave for London right after their last game. Take the Ravens as an example. They play at the ATM at 1pm. The game is done say 4:15. They do the lockerroom thing with interviews showers and the like. They board a bus at say 6:30 for BWI. Equipment they would need could have been sent out Sat with a crew to set up for them. They are taking off by 7:15pm. They would be landing about 4am. On the flight they can do a lot of the film work and prep. The players could catch some sleep. Have them sleep in until say noon and then get treatment and other Monday responsibilities. Tue could be their free day like here. Wed they start putting the gameplan in and things stay generally on schedule the rest of the way. The Jags would be pretty much the same on their trip. I don't see it right away but in time I do agree there would be 2 teams minimum. The TV money is just to large not to do it. From there I see south america.
  2. What part of a training facility in London for visiting teams was difficult to grasp. Also what part of a training facility over here for the Jags when they play in the states was hard to understand?
  3. There was no NFL then. TR changed college football I think in 1902.
  4. In a perfect world there would be no politics in it. That world doesn't exist. Teddy Roosevelt over 100 yrs ago from the Oval Office applied presure to change the game. It is what it is.
  5. He has been put on point by the owners to go get the cash. Agreed.
  6. You are as correct on that as you are on Kahn owning the United. Kahn has little ties to the US. The Jags is undervalued in Jax. A team will have to bite the bullet for the owners to make their Euro money and Kahn is the one to do it. He has agreed to play 4 home games there.
  7. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/10/24/thursday-night-package-could-create-700-million-in-annual-revenue/ Here is more for you
  8. It is done. Yes it is about the money. I just accept it for what it is.
  9. I have been talking about the fall for a while. It starts with the pricing. Now they are ruining the game with bad rules.
  10. It is a check. They are being paid to advertise.
  11. I have been contemplating the logistics of it for quite a while. 1 there will be a training facility in London for visiting teams and another one here for the London team. 2 Teams playing there would fly in right after their last game so they would be in London be Monday morning the latest and have a week to prep for the game. 3 I would expect the team that played them to get a bye the next week like they do now with teams that play there. 4 I would expect something like them getting a 4 game stand then a 4 game road trip and so forth for the season. 5 They would only play 1 PM EST games making it 6 pm there. The owners want this. They are going to make a fortune doing it. As soon as a team is in Europe they can negotiate a bunch of new TV deals over there. I would guess $150 mil at the min to start. They also want to steal talent from over there so they need to get them up to speed with the game. Margus Hunt is only the start of the talent from over seas that they want to get. Soon that talent can be turned into various Yao Mings again driving revenues.
  12. London as I have read did pretty well in attendance. Same with one of the German teams. They are moving a team there. It has been decided the question is when.
  13. They can get past logistics for an extra maybe $150 mil a yr.
  14. A little strange seeing Atl on there. I didn't think they had issues selling seats. i would have thought Stl. The Jags will host there for I think 3 more seasons. Kahn has a 17000 member fan club in London for them now. They are moviong there.
  15. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/10/23/ravens-drawing-criticism-for-pushing-obamacare/
  16. Not seeing a WR at all. They might be 5 deep with what is on the roster now next yr. I would go TE or OL in the 1st.
  17. I have never thought that the wonderlick was good for that. Most of it is math questions. Knowing most of these guys are in college to get to the pros there are few rocket scientists in there. Understanding the playbook has little to do with the questions they ask. http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=wonderlic-sample-quiz
  18. Wasn't Vince Young like a 4 or something?
  19. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/10/23/bryant-mckinnie-says-hes-fine-big-mac-is-trouble/
  20. Like I was saying with Clark. Patience was needed. He was brought in late and had to work into shape and get a little teamwork goind with Joe.
  21. There are lots of guys who have some level of success as OC's or DC's and need to go anyway.
  22. I know they use the field for everything under the sun but they aren't using it like crazy yet. It shouldn't be that bad yet. I get the homefield advantage since they are used to it and don't care.
  23. If they can't go on a run then absolutely do not bring him back. I still don't think he will be ready this yr anyway.
  24. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/10/22/report-dennis-pitta-practicing-not-close-to-returning/
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