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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. Yes. Steve likes to give extensions way to often.
  2. He looked pretty good Thur night. He could be a huge steal.
  3. That goes without saying. You omit anything that doesn't go towards your preconceived beliefs. You are like a sexually assaulted kid. Push it out of your head and it didn't happen.
  4. I won't forget that game anytime soon.
  5. Huff is not going anywhere this yr. They just inked him to a reasonably large deal. That D needs to gell.
  6. Except Manning broke records. It will be a game that is remembered.
  7. The man who could get a series changed so Cal could break the record here couldn't get a time changed. He went against the majority of owners and ended the strike but this could not be done. Attendance was down about 10000 last night at CY. He plays in the afternoon and there are 40000 there. Cutting your nose off to spite your face is so smart.
  8. I did on my other league too. So happy about that.
  9. Was the weather good in Bmore last night?
  10. I loved the look on Harbs face in the 3rd and 4th. While not all his fault Flacco did play poorly. The $120 million dollar man.
  11. My feelings are that Peter screwed the Ravens and Bmore.
  12. I have seen that vid before. That kind of thing happens in war. We don't have allies exactly. I would think the admin would like to set up some puppet that Washington can control. That has worked so well in the past I see why they want to do it.
  13. Assad cankill every last civilian for all I care. It is not oour fight.
  14. Wally Williams needs more players. If interested it is on nfl.com. League ID: 2017680 League Password: Football
  15. Totally agree. I don't think he comes back this yr and they wasted the opportunity to use the IR with the option to comeback that might be needed later.
  16. One is about money and the other is about getting caught with your D where it doesn't belong. Apples and Oranges.
  17. So I guess you are a birther too. It is better than even odds that it would hurt the Ravens and help the 9ers. http://www.nola.com/business/index.ssf/2013/03/analysis_of_super_bowl_blackou.html
  18. Unga and Furstberg are good gets.
  19. Why would the oil speculators not like war in the middle east? There is a lot of oil in Darfur so I am a little suprised that this is not an issue Here is a worse scenario than AQ. Syria gets help from others in the mid east. Syria starts attacking Turkey. Nato has to come in and defend them. The Russians start throwing down. Everyone drags into a WW3 scenario.
  20. He will play there. He might also be their return guy.
  21. So the electric going out over and over in Aug and the power company saying that some big peice of equipt needed replacing in I think Sept had zero to do with it? I saw the memo produced in the investigation. The Superdome and power company dropped the ball.
  22. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/09/01/browns-add-running-backs-bobby-rainey-dennis-johnson/ Rainey a Brown.
  23. It isn't speech I am talking about. It was a tweet that sounds like an off handed remark. They are not going to fine for it. Also all the documentation says that it was a mechanical issue.
  24. So if I said I shot JFK should I go to prison?
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