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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. You notice the yds picked up seemed to be growing. It is called wearing a D down. I would think you would know that since the Ravens did it many times with Jamal.
  2. It is pretty well known that Steve ordered the Cam move. Its only reasonable that he said play Bryant too. Don't really care.
  3. Keep that head in the sand.
  4. He is safe for the moment.
  5. It has only been a few weeks since Steve had to have Harbs have a come to Jesus moment. This doesn't wipe all of that away.
  6. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/530725_10151206439236006_2018060297_n.jpg Here is a pic for you.
  7. Says you. Billick got a new contract and was fired right after. History look into it.
  8. Told him to take his head out of his ass and get rid of Cam.
  9. And when did the D really start to stop them. Oh yeah that is when they had no running game anymore.
  10. I don't think it will matter to the team what Ed's decision will be.
  11. http://gma.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/clairvoyant-camel-predicts-baltimore-ravens-win-super-bowl-182832962--abc-news-topstories.html
  12. The hands down turning point wat Pollard knocking Ridley out.
  13. He is the Pat killer.
  14. Someone should have taken the bet.
  15. I think $75k and a one game suspension should be given.
  16. I love MMA. http://espn.go.com/mma/story/_/id/8766646/future-mma-kids-crazy-rayfield-espn-magazine
  17. I think it has taken a long time for him to get healthy from the knee.
  18. It is a very good signing. Steve should have jumped Harbs a long time ago.
  19. Yeah I ddn't think this would be a blowout. Maybe Matt and co have that monkey off their backs.
  20. He did far more than that.
  21. How is he going to get that tan in Cleveland?
  22. Also the Fed is giving money away left and right without out permission.
  23. yeah ah how many did thay throw in prison? They butchered the mob.
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