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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. No I think people like an echo chamber.
  2. That was a much better team with different rules.
  3. Funny. Discount him when he says things you don't want to believe but believe him when you agree.
  4. There is a happy medium. Billick got what 8 yrs to let them run wild?
  5. He was in the military and they only play like it. It is getting worse. There is no need to come to the door with military hardware unless you think you are at war.
  6. You can't go back in time to fix the problems.
  7. He did lead them to ther playoffs. McCoy was able to get just enough out of him.
  8. yeah there are a bunch of open spots and about 15 mil of room. Some people are leaving.
  9. Don't tell that to Matthew David Stewart in Utah.
  10. Hey what did that mayor from PG county do that was aginst the law?
  11. My coach from high school would always play whoever was best. He did kick an all met FB off the team for being an ass. But if the guy is on the team play the best player.
  12. Is there an opt out? The reason all these lockouts have been going down is because the NHL owners were so successful rolling the players yrs ago. It is time to punish a league once and for all by never going back and making them lose everything on their financial investment.
  13. Yeah a quick kiss and then they will do it again in 4-5 yrs.
  14. I have to agree with everything on this.
  15. It is the same knee so it might never be right again. I can't see him pulling a Peterson.
  16. So Tebow makes OC's look good too? Arians is what in his 50's?
  17. Peirce didn't practice yesterday.
  18. You need to stop enabling them.
  19. rewatching some of it. Did ND think it was touch? they sure didn't look like they wanted to tackle. Also amazing suplex.
  20. It takes more than 5 yrs to learn a lesson? This is something he should know already. Sorta like that whole time/game mang he has finally mastered.
  21. So who is going to stop Moreno? Yeah that stopping of Ballard last week was amazing. With Stay Puff out there he blocks the LB's for the other team. Also you better hope Peirce is good because he is more dangerous than Rice now.
  22. Just wait Harbs is getting hot quickly. I think #6 might be the last. When ownership makes you fire a coach that does not bode well for you. When you have players starting revolts on you that also looks bad to mang. He is closer to being fired than he is to a SB.
  23. Agreed Manning is a PO choker. I really hope he brings it this PO's because I do not want to see him get another ring. That said teh Ravens are not very good. A crappy running Dolts team got off on the Ravens. Seems funny how teams that can never run well seem to get right on the Ravens back.
  24. I would take Arians so fast. Fewell would be strongly considered. McCoy in Denver. That is 3 right off the top of my head.
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