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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. Sure many. But is it most? Is it a few? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/9590505/NYPD-accused-of-fatal-road-rage-shooting.html There are many more instances of this stuff. He wasn't shot but the UM student who was beaten and arrested for skipping. The problem is the cop didn't realize he was being filmed and he lied on the report. The woman who was punched in philthy because someone else threw water at the cop. How about the marine who was murdered in his home because of an unfounded informant saying his brother was dealing weed so swat busted the door in and they unloaded on him. Hell the marine here in bmore who was unloaded on by a bad cop that they kept around. The list is endless. The whole system needs to be fixed. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/mcchrystal-says-serious-action-needed-gun-control-174328785.html McChrystal doesn't think police need that kind of hardware either.
  2. That is a huge let down.
  3. And how many police shootings are screwups and a well written report?
  4. No doubt. And at that point it is more about you than the team. Is there an "I" in team?
  5. If he does not play there is no shot.
  6. Weren't the Tide 10 point favs last night?
  7. Not so much. ND just proved how overrated they are.
  8. It has been pretty well stated that he had a good game. Yeah bencha guy for a game or two, but for seasons?
  9. How many mass shooting are there really? Actually you are about 14 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than a terrorist.
  10. Like 2 yrs.
  11. I wonder if it came from on high to play him. Preston said it was Harbs ego. Reed called him out in practice calling for Bryant. It seems to be more and more about how Harbs puts ego infront of success.
  12. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/01/07/ravens-drop-sergio-kindle-from-practice-squad/ The long experiment os over.
  13. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/01/07/mcgahee-eligible-to-practice-tomorrow-hopes-to-return/ McGahee eligible to practice tomorrow, hopes to return
  14. Yeah but a Raiders like team is amazed by a few games and will throw money away on that.
  15. This is just the reason I think the RG3 trade up will bite the skins in the ass. He will be broken by the time they get enough talent around him to do anything.
  16. I think it is hilarious too. But it only takes one sucker team.
  17. He is looking for like $9 mil a yr.
  18. So how were they protecting these people? Because they did that they needed these.
  19. I don't know if they will be able to afford him.
  20. To bad the name was made when he is on his way out the door.
  21. Impressive 2nd half. Q was unreal. They should extend Torrey now.
  22. Why does law enforcent need 100 round clips unless they believe they are in awar zone and allof us are the enemy.
  23. I think arians not being there hurt but I don't think they would win either way.
  24. Real solid win. Very nice adjustments at half.
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