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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. They are in perpetual circling of the wagons.
  2. I have acknowledged valid points. But when someone pushes pie in the sky I will point it out.
  3. I read something in the City Paper that made a lot of sense. Gun insurance. They through financial encouragement have people be responsible. Also when someones weapon is used in illegal situations the victims get paid fast.
  4. Where did you ever get that idea?
  5. http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2013/01/02/1384551/fiscal-cliff-nascar-rum/?mobile=nc Our Politcians at work robbing us of course.
  6. Doesn't he want like $9 mil a yr? That is rediculous.
  7. The party must be going good to celebrate the pork tax break they got.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KBPaoS6odk
  9. Reed is not inth etop four. There are so many greats that 4 is really way to few.
  10. I am just pointing out what I hit on. I am not trying to spin like others.
  11. When I have pointed out situational wins in the past I get told you are what your record is.
  12. So in 20 yrs will there be some asterisk saying it was a thrown game or just the win loss record?
  13. Why don't they have w-l records for centers?
  14. Scott has been explaining how against elite QB's the Ravens are 1-4. Against 2nd teir they have a perfect record.
  15. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/01/03/report-ray-lewis-agrees-to-deal-to-join-espn/
  16. Run run run to daylight. Do not let this kid hand around.
  17. So you discount the 2000 SB?
  18. That is overstated. I never believe in that. It can work for a game at best then it fails. Indy may have blown their load last week bringing Chuck back then.
  19. SO. Then throw out that last game. it is 6 of 7 wins. They are hot.
  20. Yeah and the D is a whole lot worse. The OL is much worse.
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