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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. That was a BS call. He hit him in the torso. The officials should be fined for bad calls.
  2. I am reading a book called Serena. A guy who is a crew chief on a lumberjack crew during the depression wears overalls. They are old and beat up. He haspatched them with vaious colored patches. His reasoning is that animals keep away from bright varied colored bugs and animals because they are veiwed as dangerous. I guess that is what UMD is going for.
  3. Now a LB is playing QB. And his backup is a TE.
  4. Except when the Browns have been horrible against the Ravens.
  5. 24-10 Ravens.
  6. Are you sure they are from WV? They have a look of the mountains of PA.
  7. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ncaaf-dr-saturday/marylands-shoes-week-horrible-just-horrible-162649306--ncaaf.html
  8. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/power-players-abc-news/nightmare-scenario-election-night-might-not-end-110543635.html This is fantastic. It will never end.
  9. Hey you are in MD so you can not vote for Obama and be fine knowing that Romney will not be helped. I am voting Johnson.
  10. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/11/02/flacco-doesnt-want-to-be-compared-to-anyone/
  11. I think the Ravens 24-10.
  12. That was mocking how long it takes for them to come out.
  13. I am not with you on this. The Ravens pound teams after they lose bad and also they had a bye.
  14. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/11/01/steelers-cant-find-hotel-in-new-york/ Steelers can’t find hotel in New York
  15. Who here said that McPhee would be fine during camp?
  16. Teh award is for the regular season. It could have been put out on say Oct 5th.
  17. That is what I hate about MLB. The season is over why are awards going out now? Give them out in Feb.
  18. You know when he is announced it is to Pour Some Suger on Me.
  19. But Cam can figure out a way.
  20. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/10/30/cardinals-could-have-interest-in-bryant-mckinnie/ This might be a good trade. If they could pull a 4th out of it they should pull teh trigger.
  21. You also don't pussyfoot around stuff. He has been doing it for a very long time and it has done nothing to help the team get better.
  22. I already expect another market crash but worse. It make no difference if Romney or Obama are there. This time he may hand them their heads.
  23. http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/blog/eye-on-college-football/20737333/maryland-out-of-scholarship-qbs-after-another-seasonending-injury Another one bites the dust. Maybe they will ask me top play QB.
  24. Don't just say something weak like that. Say something to the effect of it has been a disaster so far but we are working on it.
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