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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. Well normally people in politics hedge their bets. In 2008 they put in with Both McCain and Obama. Not this time. He owes them nothing this time around.
  2. I think they blow Leveland off the field. After a beat down and a bye in addition.
  3. It wasn't to bad.
  4. After yesterday strike Lattimore off your list.
  5. But he did nothing to hurt them over the last 3.5 yrs. They have bailed out on him. Now if he wins on the 6th he coukld cripple them making the far left happy and not hurt any contributers.
  6. http://citypaper.com/news/columns/spitballin-8217-1.1392331
  7. http://baltimore.cbs...yze-many-flaws/ Is that like ants trying to take over the world is a work in progress?
  8. http://current.com/shows/the-young-turks/videos/obamas-been-so-kind-to-wall-street-that-its-a-shock-they-all-seem-to-support-fat-cat-romney-instead
  9. In the current environment what Gecko did would be legal. They have changed the laws to allow anything under the sun.
  10. Except that is what Newt was talking about. That is not capitalism. That is worse than what a Gordon Gecko was doing.
  11. http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=9022 Amazing.
  12. It will be in your imagination.
  13. That would be a poor decision. The Skins will regret trading so much for RG3.
  14. You this it will be out farther on the coast eastern shore than bmore area? I hope it will be out there.
  15. http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/daily-ticker/why-greg-smith-left-goldman-wall-street-now-171051272.html
  16. They wrote this. Un effing real. These kids are great. When she gets all the way into her voice she will be simply stunning. That kid a guitar is very good. It is hard as hell to play Dime Bag or Kirk's stuff. He is I think 12. The Drummer is pretty damned solid too. Get him going double bass and he will be straight. http://www.facebook.com/badseedrisingband
  17. Just heard these kids on 98 Rock this morning. Simply amazing.
  18. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/10/24/steelers-breaking-out-new-throwbacks-this-week/
  19. I think the Ravens really need to address Ray's replacement. Teo will be long gone but maybe later another good one or a trade back. they did draft christian Thompson at S last yr. Ravens needs and importance of them as I see them. 1 ILB 2 OLB 3 NT 4 OG 5 CB 6 S 7 DE They do need to go defense heavy this yr.
  20. There goes the bowl game.
  21. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/10/22/sergio-kindle-clears-waivers-will-return-to-ravens-on-practice-squad/ They haven't given up on Kindle.
  22. Just got to thinking about it today. The Texand are the Ravens to the Ravens are the Jags. How many games did the Ravens lose to Jax under the craziest of situations until they finally won and beat their ass basically from then on. Could this be the first of many wins for teh Texans over the Ravens?
  23. Why would Harbs jump in Cam's ass? He has never done it before. Cam is the defacto HC. He does as he likes.
  24. Just heard on 1057 that the OL and DL is going to be changed up. Gino might be starting. Harewood might be back in. No details on the DL.
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