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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. Interesting. The City would have to flagrantly fall short for the contract to be void.
  2. That would be to fittting. I don't know what their lease looks like.
  3. http://mmajunkie.com/news/30724/usa-today-tough-keeping-up-with-the-joneses-this-weekend.mma
  4. Yeah they liked the poor use of Mattison too. Ignore what players say. It is meaningless.
  5. I don't expect them to say he blows. I just saying that people here pointing out that the players saying this or that has no meaning.
  6. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/09/20/new-browns-owner-jimmy-haslam-wants-to-consider-a-roof/ New Browns owner Jimmy Haslam wants to consider a roof
  7. But the players love pees. They are always right aren't they?
  8. But the players say Pees is great.
  9. He is just a lousy politician. He is everywhere on the spectrum and doesn't get that google exists.
  10. Really? The Skins lost their 2 best passrushers plus Sundberg and Bernstine. Thomas Howard Jamaal Anderson of Cincy. Grimes in Atl. Neslon and Fred Jackson in Buf. The 9ers Haralson. The Cards OT Bridges. Phillip Blake and Warren in Den. Hernandez in NE. Adian Arrington in NO. The Giants Deihl and Thomas. Bartel and Ford in Oak. Philthy has Kelce. Watkins in StL. All of these guys have either been IRed or are out for a long time during the first 2 weeks.
  11. I think he just lost. What I am wondering is how the GOP voter picked the worst guy to run against Obama. Obama is vulnerable but they couldn't find someone to go at him. I think Huntsman or Paul would have distroyed him.
  12. I saw that. Very funny.
  13. Basically these guys are getting into football shape in real speed games. Doing that you are seeiing lots of major injuries around the league. The players fighting to not hit have hurt the game.
  14. I thought Cam was the man. Pees going to prevent with 4:47 left had me going...
  15. I questioned soem of it. I thought Cam could do no wrong.
  16. I like the League MVP there at the end of the game. Pees with a nice use of prevent with almost 5 mins left.
  17. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/highschool-prep-rally/thomas-tyner-shatters-oregon-state-records-birthday-runs-151312510.html
  18. HAHAA That is funny. The NFL turning down revenue.
  19. even the streakers are super athletic.
  20. I don't understand why they stopped playing labor day weekend.
  21. Interesting. I don't agree with it all but most of it I am.
  22. Because there are so many games in small intricacies of how these schedule works is to hard to notice. They are desperate to fit it in around baseball and NBA schedules. It is a tough thing getting 32 teams 16 games in 17 weeks.
  23. I doubt this was done on purpose.
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