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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. The problem is they do not save costs on being helped along. Look at the oil companies that get aver $20 bil in tax incentives and they are the most profitable companies in the world but gas is still expensive. GE still costs a pretty penny but some yrs they have paid no taxes. They all enjoy using the roads and bridges. They like the govt to hold their property rights. But they don't pay for all the benefits.
  2. Are there any tariffs that are used now? I now we let the Chinese flood the market with under priced steel and solar panels. We should apply tariffs on them but wont because of the debt they hold.
  3. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/08/30/cam-cameron-embracing-pressure-of-raised-expectations/
  4. I got an idea to fix companies from hiding their taxes over seas. Do you like access to the American market. If you do pay your taxes. These companies that move their HQ's for tax reasons can enjoy tariffs.
  5. Rainey looks to be a pretty good one. There will be plenty of trash out there.
  6. Watch a lot of non network news.
  7. http://autos.yahoo.com/blogs/motoramic/10-u-cities-worst-drivers-tilt-towards-coasts-161143248.html
  8. http://news.cincinnati.com/usatoday/article/57400806&usatref=sportsmod?odyssey=mod%7Cnewswell%7Ctext%7CSports%7Cp
  9. http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2012-08-28/sports/bal-ravens-rookie-nigel-carr-keeps-his-focus-on-one-promise-to-leave-behind-a-troubled-past-20120828_1_nigel-carr-ravens-promising-future
  10. The chart is info from the congressional budget office.
  11. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/wp/2012/08/28/republican-national-convention-the-one-graph-you-need-to-see-before-watching/ Here is another chart that is like it. I would put out a middle class tax cut proposal right now. Say you want it passed by october. If it is not out of congress dump the blame on them and tell people to remember that when they enter the polls.
  12. I could see him at RT. He would be a monster to go off tackle with.
  13. Yeah Oher always tries to anticipate the count. But KO doesn't have the feat for it. There is a reason why he was projected as a RT or OG. He is powerful and has huge arms. Those are his assets.
  14. Oh also Obama has said he wants to do a middle class tax cut but the Bush cuts are being pushed on him to do it. The Bush cuts should have ended in 2010 but the GOP said they would not do I think it was an extension to unemployment without extending it to now.
  15. Actually the Bush cuts go to the wealthy much more. They are the ones who made out like bandits with them in effect. Also Corprate taxes I think in the 50's made up something like 30% of the revenues of the govt. It is not down to I think I saw 13%.
  16. http://crooksandliars.com/jon-perr/boehner-lies-about-bush-tax-cuts-and-deficits The Bush tax cuts are the largest part of the defecit. Tax cuts need to be paid for by spending cuts. The cuts were never made.
  17. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/27/gop-anti-porn-plank-platform_n_1833840.html Here is some regulation that the GOP is for.
  18. I don't think KO has the feet for LT.
  19. If they did that Rice would not last past Dec. I guess he hasn't noticed Rice isn't 235 lbs.
  20. The kid has been damned impressive. I am just pointing out that people are to what have you done for me lately at this position.
  21. I loved this guy comming out. He is better than I thought he would be at this point.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzQqEos6LVI Football is going to be dead soon.
  23. Really. How about the current and former military who were just arrested. It is comming. There are more and more pissed off people. You have kids who went to college and got loans because they were told it would be fine you can easily pay this off when you graduate. Now they are homeless. Guys who left parts of themselves in Iraq and Afgahnistan and have been thrown away here. That is just some of this. When it comes it will be mind blowing how bad it will get for people who have sold out the masses.
  24. Knowing Stover do you expect him to speak poorly of anyone?
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