I see Cmac mentioned but Evens seems to be missing. So you just seeem to make shit up. So why is it that the squealers and pats have won 5 of 11 and showed in 8 of 11 SB's since the Ravens got theirs? Seems they do something better than the Ravens and 28 other teams.
Sure there were several people who saw it coming. The deregulation over the last 30 or so yrs put us in a position to have the bankers screw us. The problem is the corpratization of the media makes it so profit is driven over reporting. So then they need access. To have access they have to kiss the politicians asses. So we don't get real reporting.
Trump has no value. He has gone bancrupt. Firstly this country has maintained debt for its entire 236 yr history. During WW2 the deficit was 102% of GDP. I just finishe White House Burning. A couple of economists went over the debt during the 236 yr. Spending is actually down compared to GDP. Part of the problem is when we went into recession it lowers tax revenues. Obama is doing some dumb crap but Trump is useless. He wouldn't know how to fix the economy on his best day.
http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/07/03/goodell-urges-saints-to-meet-with-him-could-reduce-suspensions/ </h2> This screams I do not want any outsiders looking at the evidence. This whole thing could blow up in my hands.
So there is no need to trade everything. I would be a seller. This season was put together with smoke and mirrors. Get more talent to spread around so the mediocre like Reynolds can be thrown away.