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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. No everyone will make a mistake. But there is soething to be said for calculated risk. Cmac was not wth the program when poor and hungry. Was he going to get on the same page being fat and happy? Ngata, Ray, and Reed are guys I would be willing to pay. They are pros who will always bust ass while out there. There are others who are paycheck players who you don't want around. The team has to ID them during their cheap yrs to know who to bring back. There is also standard punishment and wear and tear that has to go into deciding who to keep around and sign as FA's. My rule of thumb is a guy who would go well into their 30's except QB should not be inked to high priced deals. Also RB's are a dime a dozen.
  2. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/06/30/c-j-spiller-thinks-the-bills-are-a-super-bowl-contender/ C.J. Spiller thinks the Bills are a Super Bowl contender
  3. Yeah and if I remember correctly he was given a 6 yr extesion. Of that extension he was only good for about 1.5 yrs of it. So the Ravens wasted a bunch of money on a guy who was better to dump off onto another team to be their headache.
  4. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/mlb-big-league-stew/buck-showalter-prankster-orioles-manager-dupes-pitcher-darren-181647297--mlb.html
  5. Exactly Not every player. Cmac should have never been brought back. He was a head case drunk and the team knew it.
  6. It was crazy.
  7. Ray was mad when he had to go into FA. As Deion said if they really wanted you you wouldn't make it to FA.
  8. That is the risk of waiting. Webb already had one bad injury. If he blew out his other knee this yr he would get bubkus on the market. Baseball iis not really a contact sport so the risk is far lower waiting for the market. I would ink guys after their 2 season if at all possible. If they had done that with Haloti it would have been before his first PB selection. They may have gotten him for about $4-6 mil a yr. Now he is about a 8-9 guy.
  9. They will cast off more old men after the season. It is obvioous that they are retooling now.
  10. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/06/29/ravens-josh-bynes-says-learning-from-ray-lewis-is-amazing/
  11. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/06/29/jaguars-want-in-on-future-london-trips/ Maybe we have found our team that will go to London. The Jags want to be on those games there.
  12. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/06/29/packers-try-to-make-visiting-lambeau-better-than-watching-on-tv/
  13. There is a way to sneak a look at camp. There is this street that overlooks the castle. http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1024&bih=618&noj=1&safe=strict&q=1+winning+drive+owings+mills+md&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x89c83d549cc7547f:0xff99fc2a513ab07,1+Winning+Dr,+Owings+Mills,+MD+21117&gl=us&sa=X&ei=n63tT7C8O6bu0gGT8MnpDQ&ved=0CA4Q8gEwAQ&oi=local_group&ct=image
  14. The O's pitching has been centered on the bullpen. It will be worn out like it has been in past yrs.
  15. http://rivals.yahoo.com/video/recruiting-football/Gorney-on-Elijah-Qualls-1104899
  16. What is not watered down can be done by rule changes.
  17. Or Clev gets healthy. Something has to break.
  18. Well had they done with Ngata what they did with Webb his cap number would be lower. Stuff like that would allow them to be in a better position.
  19. I think they need something higher that the Youk level. That would need a better parts to a trade. The reason the Rays have such a stocked farm system is because they would sell for so long. Now they have a back log on talent.
  20. Unless they send some young pitching that they have a glut in like Matusz I don't see it.
  21. What will another team want then? There is basically notta down there.
  22. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/06/28/kraft-wants-a-team-in-england/ Here is another issue with screwing with the NFL.
  23. Well how do you propose they get the new guy. Manny and Dillan would be the asking price. They really should be sellers. They need to get the talent into the minors.
  24. Well you are the minority. They are trying to cater to the masses. With the wifi you can check out what is happening around the league without wasting your data.
  25. Back at the start of the housing explosion when Bruce Cunningham was still on NST I was talking to him and Aaron. I was saying how that was the start and how the NFL will have to start reducing prices for the fan base. They told me I was insane and it would never happen. Well 4 yrs later it is coming true. This does go to the NFL dropping as the leader in sports. At what point will they realize that their rule changes will turn off the fans? If they go to far another league could come in and have real football and the fans might follow.
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