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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. It's not the refs fault that the Ravens have given this opportunity to zona.
  2. That run D looks so great giving up 58 yds on 12 carries.
  3. Many of them.
  4. You can. I think they should have hi run a pistol offense.
  5. That is how you use him.
  6. Thank you. It is very true.
  7. You should hate the sound of Billicks voice. Say goodbye to the run game. It is all on Joe and the passing game now.
  8. The Cards have not won on the east coast at 1pm since 2001. Could they find a way to break that streak?
  9. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/10/29/nflpa-attempts-to-explain-august-4-letter-agreement/ The NFLPA has screwed itself.
  10. The mainstream media is misleading the points. They are all dirty hippies including a former marine who served 2 tours in Iraq. One of the main points is that the corps took bailouts. I think most people agree with that point. They also want the people who commited crimes to be prosecuted.
  11. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/10/29/cedric-benson-non-injury-grievance-rejected-suspension-stands/ He lost sorta.
  12. I guess there is a new reason for this song for the Ravens.
  13. I am not seeing a CB for Bmore. I see ILB or OL. I am not seeing the draft order as this but pretty close.
  14. Slight of hand from a warehouse. Amazing trick.
  15. I said coaching staff. I think the training staff here is fantastic.
  16. Actually Harbs has many problem. For 3.5 yrs we have seen poor 2 mil drills. There is no sense of urgency. He has problems with situational awareness. He has many problems with nopotism. i would take that coaching staff over the Ravens in a heartbeat.
  17. Joe has to come to real life. He should have started calling his own plays and shit on Cam. He has let Cam hijack his career. Cam is taking money out of his pocket.
  18. It is now that they are not playing they want to manufacture drama to maintain worth to their network.
  19. Well when he has no job maybe he will feel hot.
  20. I am just showing what his contract should resemble. It is in that ballpark.
  21. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/10/28/bills-ryan-fitzpatrick-agree-to-new-contract/
  22. Yeah Rodney is just trying to be relevent so he doesn't go down like Emmit Smith.
  23. I have no freakin clue. I didn't post that.
  24. Someone listening to Glenn last night. This was basically word for word what was asked on his show last night. Cam can let Joe call anything he wants but he only has 15 secs to do it.
  25. If Cam holds up on giving the plays then Joe pretty much has to use Cam's play because there is no time to check the D and audible to anything else. So yes he has the right to call a new play but not the time to do it.
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