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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. And Brown will not trade him because of some crazy revenge factor I guess.
  2. Why anyone would believe anything that comes out of his mouth amazes me. He does nothing but mislead and lie about what this team is doing. Listening to him is pointless.
  3. Part of it is Cam. When his OL was getting shredded for about a quarter and a half he kept forcing the pass. He really wanted the Jets to get back in.
  4. Well Det, SD and TB are not completely unforeseen. I still want to see more to see things settle out some. The spread O thing is all great until it gets cold and windy.
  5. http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/blog/dr_saturday/post/Video-No-the-coast-was-not-clear-for-Illinois-?urn=ncaaf-wp7203
  6. I like it.
  7. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/college/2011/09/30/2011-09-30_former_maryland_coach_ralph_friedgen_tells_baltimore_radio_station_ive_burned_by.html I won't give Nestor any traffic so I will not get the info from WNST but wow. Ralph is pissed.
  8. At the min they should have puped him. Maybe after 7 weeks his knee would have been ready. They were not going to cut him because of the lockout.
  9. Annapolis is whats wrong with this state.
  10. That is what bad ownership gets you.
  11. As it turns out yes. I thought he would have had more production.
  12. They could set themselves up for the Luck sweepstakes like they are now but with extra picks to boot.
  13. Because it was scheduled yrs ago.
  14. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/players/playerpage/1664023/pernell-mcphee I thought Pernell was a draft pick. He also has not suffered a major head injury resulting in hearing loss. Kindle will play at some point.
  15. And the Sun walks to the end a little farther.
  16. I agree with the pup evaluation. As for Prescott, I bet it was for special teams reasons.
  17. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/09/24/merton-hanks-new-rules-have-players-turning-down-hits/ I guess the NFL wants to marginalize themselves like MLB.
  18. And the squealers don't. Ok that is quite reasonable.
  19. Bruce Cunningham told a story today. A yr or two ago they had Zues sit down with Gaither. They wanted him to impart a stronger work ethic in Gaither. Apparently about 5 mins in he had to be dragged off Jarred because the kid didn't think working was important.
  20. And 3 last week.
  21. I guess McKinnie, and co suck too.
  22. http://www.facebook.com/roblongsports/posts/2107869501150?notif_t=feed_comment_reply
  23. http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2011/10/the-shame-of-college-sports/8643/1/ I have had many complaints about the NCAA but I learned so much reading this.
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