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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. God I would love to see Harbs run up on the stage when say the Pats win the SB and were just given the Lombardi and interrupt Belicheck.
  2. There is no doubt he will do it. Hell I think he will get 350 mon night.
  3. No not quite. They were supposed to prove that they can be elite. These were their expectations see Mason. They have not done this. They are being called on it.
  4. The D had some great opportunities to pad their stats with week offensive teams. I have never liked the way they rank D's in the NFL. If you play a schedule with a lot weak offenses then you can get that D up there. This yr is someone were decent on D in the AFC or NFC west they would have a great ranking since all of those teams will play each other this yr.
  5. Of course that one caller set him off but these critical questions have been asked for awhile. To me that was a build up of when he was wanting to shut down many fans. He should not be forced to do the show or something like this will happen.
  6. http://baltimoresportsreport.com/harbaugh-to-fan-go-find-another-team-to-cheer-for-10400.html I am surprised nobody posed this. When thing actually get bad this very statement will be used against him. Coming from Philthy he should be more prepared for critical looks at the team. I am guessing Byrne got to him today. No he is trying to walk back from the statement. http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/blog/2010/12/harbaugh_clarifies_his_radio_remarks.html
  7. They almost never work the middle of the field. That is on Joe or Cam.
  8. Well stated. I do not think I could add to it.
  9. I can agree with that. Joes can win a SB but they need to work to his strengths and get quality around him.
  10. I am going to see the Tron sneak that night.
  11. Well he apparently likes going to Ravens games. You can't do that elsewhere.
  12. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/12/08/john-harbaugh-supports-helmet-to-helmet-rules-except-when-theyre-applied-to-his-players/ Florio with this helmet to helmet stuff has been a real douche. He is full of himself. A lot of these hits are unavoidable except in Florio's perfect world where the laws of physics do not apply.
  13. Because you always think you're right.
  14. You will never learn except from mistakes.
  15. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/Keith-Fitzhugh-chooses-family-over-football?urn=nfl-292927
  16. Also get Dickson and Pitta going. It is not like NE put their 2 rookie TE's in the corner like they have here.
  17. I still cannot see who will cover Walter and Johnson. I think Foster will run on the Ravens. The only way the saints win is if the weather is calm. If it is I can't see the Ravens getting the win. Cleveland was leading in the 4th the last time they played. They are a better team now than in the early season. I think the Ravens are worse. Until the Ravens prove they can win against Cinci I do not think they will.
  18. I can make a legit argument for every team on the schedule to beat the Ravens.
  19. I am only talking about the DB's. I was really watching them. I would say before Leonard went down if the Jets played the Ravens again Bmore goes down.
  20. I wonder how much the missed Leonard last night. Their Db's look aimless.
  21. I don't think there is much he can do now. Maybe alter some philosophies a bit but you basically have the plays you have and the players you have.
  22. I went from 1st place to 3rd in 2 weeks. Unreal.
  23. They should have used some draws. With the aggressiveness of their defenders it could have made for some good runs. That would have slowed the pass rush some too.
  24. This season they have not run consistently. In the past the had road graders on the line. They really only have 1 now in Grubbs.
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