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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJK5xVei-i0 My contention is this. The NFL is ruining it's product. People are getting pissed with the BS calls, missed calls, crazy rule changes, and illogical application of rules. This stuff is getting worse year by year and game by game. At what point will the NFL keep people blindly following their BS before they say enough is enough and decide to watch and do other things. There is a huge recesion out there that only looks to get worse and they charge hand over fist to give the crap product that have now. Not every institution can stay on top forever. The NFL should ask the horse racing industry, boxing, and baseball. They screwed themselves with poor decisions that have effected their place on the sports landscape.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw6vxVVXWUM&feature=popt11us15 Comments to this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBYdPuPV5Nk&feature=popt11us08
  3. There is no doubt it has made a difference. It made it so you have to play Chester at RG instead of Yanda. That allows for to week guys guys to be side by side on the line.
  4. Go back to the 2007 season and he didn't take the foot off the gas in NE.
  5. You absolutely need a good line. They open the wholes and keep the pass rushers off the QB. The game is won in the trenches.
  6. I was doing very well but the last couple of week not so much.
  7. Yeah Landry was a 6. That is why it was so amazing that he started day one. The problem is he isn't great and once he was on tape I think he was broken down.
  8. They aren't built for it. Grubbs is the only guy who can road grade. They have switched to more athletic OL. There is softness inthe middle right. If they fix thatthis off season the OL should be very good next yr.
  9. When you have soething that is working like early in the game last night keep doing it. But the second Cam has a lead he starts slowing the game down. That 2007 season with the Pats is a perfect example. Their D sucked bad and Bill Belichick knew it. People were talking about them running up the score. They were just unwilling to show a flaw. They had no D and couldn't run the ball. That is quiet similar to this team this yr. Start killing teams. Drive the score up on them.
  10. 2010 Kindle - never could have known what happened Cody - Was never a 3 down player at Bama. Could not get to the weight the team wanted before the draft or to begin camp. I think he will eat himself out of the league. Dickson - has contributed. Pitta - has contributed Reed - Has been a solid ST player. Jones - Learning curve. Harewood - IR'd to keep him. Showed promise in camp. Bouldin solid pickup Redding has been somewhat of a disappointment. Hamlin was a pointless pickup. Bulger is a very good backup. Harris was pointless. Wilson has been ok. TJ has been hit and miss. 2009 Oher has been very solid Kruger has been disappointing Webb has been OK Phillips time will tell Drew sucked on ice. Peerman late round no biggie. Bennett bad signing. Washington was good signing under used though. Dwil wasted a spot for another yr. Clayton wasted a spot for another yr Rolle resigned and must have had no physical. 2008 Flacco has been solid Rice has been great Gooden is a disappointment Zibby solid Cousins sucks Marcus Smith sucks Hale Sucks Haruki has been OK Neal was very good. Ayanbadejo is very good. Leonhard great job 2007 Grubbs has been very good Figurs sucked Yanda has been great Barnes was a disappointment Troy Smith an OK backup Burgess a disappointment 2006 Ngata fantastic Chester disappointment Pittman sucked Dwil sucked Daniels sucked Landry disappointing Sypniewski disappointing Koch fantastic Martin late rounder LaCasse late rounder 2005 Clayton disappointment Cody sucked Terry misused disappointment Brown great and let him leave Green was nothing Anderson was nothing to us Smith nothing 2004 Edwards eventually was solid DVD sucked Rod Green nothing Harris zero Clarence Moore nothing Abney zero Rimpf Nothing That is a lot of drafts where only the 1st rounder has been good. YEs it is great hitting home runs in round 1 but you have to fill out the roster with later round guys. Many of thos have busted. Also many of Ozzies FA have busted. His reputation is based off a great deal of past greatness. He has been far from it of late.
  11. It is also on a bad line. Oher very good but young. Yanda Very good but out of position. Grubbs really solid. Chester a career backup. Birk once very good but old now. There are 2 major holes on this OL. After this season they need to draft a center and maybe Harewood will be ready but I draft an OT also in say the 3rd. They need line depth. Maybe not this game coming up since Houston is horrible on D but against NO watch the line on running plays. There simply are no holes. Remember the one running play last night with Willis running. They actually mentioned that was the hardest 1 yd gain ever. Willis had to make like 3 moves in the backfield to not be taken for a loss of 3-4 yds. The tacklers came right up the middle in force. I really do think Birk is hurting the team. He may know the line calls but he blows at stopping defenders.
  12. But Joe doesn't do the personnel grouping or call the plays. Is he the one taking the foot off the gas and putting the offense on slow down mode? I didn't know that was his job now.
  13. How about not drafting a slob who can't get on the field. There were plenty of guys that could have helped the Ravens in the draft after Cody.
  14. Part of the problem is the OL is somewhat of a sieve. Lack of time can result is getting the ball out fast.
  15. http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/bs-sp-ravens-steelers-preston-report20101205,0,2137526.story Going by what an expert sees more of the problem is coaching OL and RB. I had concerns about McClain being out. It screws your pass protection up and doesn't allow for the RB's to get going.
  16. http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/bal-derrick-mason-disappointed-1205,0,55524.story This is what I could find.
  17. Of course had they gone for that tough FG and missed then the same people would be critical of that move. Unless it is successful you made a stupid move. You know that.
  18. From what he said it was not about getting balls. I was gathering it was about the problems we have been talking about.
  19. http://www.nfl.com/videos/baltimore-ravens/09000d5d81cae493/Ravens-postgame-press-conference Did not go well. All I can find now is this. Mason said something to the effect that why did I come back. He was cursing up a storm. I can't find that now. I am sure it will be out soon.
  20. I thinkyou mean regularly cold running game. Wk1 49 yds Wk2 109 yds Wk3 109 yds Wk4 70 yds Wk5 233 yds - Denver Wk6 94 yds Wk7 135 yds - Buf Wk8 146 yds - Mia Wk9 106 yds Wk10 100 yds - Car Wk11 92 yds Wk12 41 yds So the solid to great run performances are against bad teams. They have really bad running problems.
  21. So a brutal game that saw lots of injuries. The w-l record of a team that plays the squeelers or ravens the next week is not good. So The Ravens obviously played the squeelers and next week is Houston. Houston will be coming off 12 days rest. Nice mini bye. OK the x's and o's as I see them. Who in the hell will cover johnson? They also have Walter who is a very solid WR. Schaub is a very good QB which has been an issue for the D this season. Foster is a RB that will get off if given the chance. The run D has not been spectacular this yr. Their D sucks on ice. Joe and co should be able to score at will. So this will be a score fest. The question is will the offense go into their regular slumber during the game? I have not seen a game this yr where they do not so I have to say yes. So I will go with the early prediction 31-27 Texans.
  22. I see it as the playcalling. We go from a wide open offense that moves to a more formulaic run style that this OL can't do. Did you see during the game how Chester was being ripped to shreds? He is about useless out there.
  23. I can agree with that. This team cannot run block. Can started trying to force the run game in the 2nd half.
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