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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. Hey we have another one. Keep saying it and the front office will actually see how bad he is.
  2. From someone who was there he said that ball was tipped. If so what can Joe do?
  3. I thought I was the resident negative guy. OK so I guess Cam has given all play calling over to Joe now. Yeah I guess he hands the ball off and helps the porous OL blocking.
  4. Ben was sick in the 2nd half. As much of a dislike for him I have he was amazing.
  5. I guess it was Flacco's fault that Rice didn't get more than 32 yds rushing.
  6. It looked like Flacco was going to throw the ball. His blockers allowed a passrusher in unmolested. Also Rice let Farior in for a sack.
  7. Please explain to me what Joe did wrong. His protection was not good in the 4th especially.
  8. like I said game over. I think I won $75 gift cert to the crack pipe.
  9. Damn where is the Brady call on that one. Looks very muck like the one Suggs got flagged on.
  10. That is why Ben is so good.
  11. Troy the best safety in the league.
  12. Whenever he is on the field.
  13. Damn Haloti just drove that dude like a car.
  14. The inevitable lull in offensive efficiency.
  15. I wish they had replayed it. It happened quick and they never came back.
  16. Reed is doing quite well returning.
  17. It looked to me more like Ben just got outside him. He just missed.
  18. The D is bending but the Squeelers are driving consistently now. They need to work on how to stop the spread.
  19. I think there wsa little he could do there. That was justa hell of a play.
  20. Wow what a play. Ben is rediculous.
  21. I think Joes has always been pretty mobile. Last yr he was really hurt which limited that.
  22. So some Squeelers fans have a front row seat in that endzone. I see that blanket hanging there.
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