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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. http://www.nfl.com/videos/tennessee-titans/09000d5d81c908fa/Inside-the-NFL-Room-for-agitators-in-NFL
  2. The word is when Ben goes under center for the first time the chant "No Means No!" rains down.
  3. http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/blog/2010/12/roethlisbergers_foot_is_actually_broken_but_he_still_expects.html Ben's foot broken. He says he will still play.
  4. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/Hines-Ward-blasts-NFL-for-hypocrisy-on-player-sa?urn=nfl-290933 The NFL is full of crap. The league is ruining the game.
  5. Offenses just don't work due to luck. They work because various coordinated pieces work as a unit to get a specific objective done. If you lose a RB or a WR there are backups to put in. they more than likely will not be as good as the original player but they know what their job is from play to play. When you have no backup for a position and have to sign one the week of a game you are not in a good position. It is not like they can reinvent the offense in 7 days. They can only take the plays they have and make small alterations.
  6. http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-films-sound-efx/09000d5d81c908d5/Sound-FX-The-fight-before-the-fight This makes for an interesting build up.
  7. http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/bs-sp-ravens-notebook-1130-20101129,0,1007125.story The coach and Todd Heap basically seem to think it is a pretty big deal.
  8. Well some of those plays you are talking about McClain would would block a pass rusher and also get out for a pass. They have to make some pretty big changes to the offense if they go with no FB. It is not as easy as you are making it.
  9. McClain is a big loss. It screws up personnel groupings. It screws up blocking assignments. The new guy they signed has a great deal to learn by Sunday.
  10. It looks like Oher will play. I have wondered why players don't instigate him like that cheap shot on Heap earlier in the season where Mike threw a punch. Suggs maybe not. It seems like you can do pretty much anything you like to Ben and the league is cool with it. Maybe JJ.
  11. What did she do? The whole dept is in a much better place now than when she got there.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0PrKLn1_hA&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2NfgzWhkyM&feature=player_embedded
  13. Oh I was saying all game long I see Anderson in the UFL.
  14. The OL sits down and says we are getting our asses kicked. Wanna get away? I would laugh at that.
  15. There is something to be said for gallows humor. I can absolutely see that happening in that situation.
  16. Johnson is from all experts the quiet hard working guy. He is the anti TO. I do think that was a build up of several plays of Finnigan playing him hard.
  17. He tries to get players out of their game. Everyone here would love if he was a Raven.
  18. They are about 8 yrs to late. Now there are table games and sports book. Why not go to Del.
  19. I see an L. I do not like the pass D verses their passing game. I have a feeling Mendenhal has a very solid game. I also see their D winning that side of the ball. It will be very close. I am thinking 24-20 Squeelers.
  20. They have a few good ones over there.
  21. Yeah but you got their best player tossed along with your say 10th best player. That is a win.
  22. http://www.nfl.com/videos/new-york-jets/09000d5d81c84195/Rex-s-supermodel-wife Rex is hilarious.
  23. http://www.nfl.com/videos/arizona-cardinals/09000d5d81c89a4b/Whisenhunt-on-Anderson-s-tirade http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jErsW7rgHBs I watched the game last night (Maybe the NFL can pay me for that lost time). I saw him laughing and didn't think to much about it. I could see the OL say something like "Want to get away" from the snickers ads to lighten the mood. Over an hour and a half later being that it was a throw away moment you could not have remembered it at all. Then the reported ambushes him. I can see the original question but he kept prying. Anderson went to far but the reporter was being an ass.
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMMJBVXTIHA&feature=topvideos I know some here have hated Finnegan in the past. I for one love him. He is a bulldog. He gives up size and strength to so many he covers. The only thing he has going is his in your face attitude. He gets their best player thrown out. That is a win on the field. Now if the rest of the Titans would step up they could win on the score board.
  25. It is huge every yr. They need to have a set aside spot for contributor if they are voted in. Have 1 spot for those people and in the day they vote on the others they vote up or down on if anyone gets in that area. It should be like the 2 from the Sr group.
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