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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. I think Haruki taking Landrey's spot is better for the Ravens. Maybe he won't give it back. McLain is a big loss. To me it sounds like he won't play.
  2. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/11/28/aqib-talib-and-official-exchange-heated-words-after-game/ http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-cant-miss-plays/09000d5d81c7aef4/Talib-makes-unbelievable-INT-with-his-legs I guess the official missed this.
  3. They were eating the clock in the 2nd half. I am sure they felt confident the Bucs could not do anything.
  4. Yeah. It was a solid win. They have to get the run game going. The Bucs can be killed in the run game but the Ravens again this week didn't do it. I am thinking that they cannot get a consistent run game going. That is not good for future weeks.
  5. The stuff with his father and his roommate are totally new to me. I found them very interesting.
  6. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/11/23/matt-millen-gets-miffed-about-favre-criticism/
  7. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/11/23/jeff-fisher-could-be-trying-to-force-his-way-out-of-tennessee/ Or Fisher's rolling. That is a mess down there.
  8. So far there is no video. It was not caught on the network. Maybe someone from the stands will get video up.
  9. http://sports.yahoo.com/video/player/news/Graham_Bensinger_InDepth/23037870;_ylt=AjJUgUsma0uqB4aPy8FyRVg5nYcB#news/Graham_Bensinger_InDepth/23037870 Wow that was pretty damned impressive. It is better than the same old you usually get from the media.
  10. Hey LT was smart in the day. Sending up hookers and drugs to the other team. Somebody should get a hot call girl to visit Williams room with lot sof booze.
  11. That is exactly why I don't see why anyone pays attetion to the press conference every week. He says nothing everytime he does it. Don't forget the Texans or Bucs as tough games.
  12. They did a great job. If I didn't know any better I would think that was Sharon Stone. They did a hell of a job. http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/blog/fourth_place_medal/post/Lindsey-Vonn-on-magazine-cover-dressed-as-Sharon?urn=oly-288057
  13. Just from what I know about that team the guys the Ravens will need to look very hard at are Williams, Blount, and Freeman. They attack the places where the Ravens are weakest. I don't know D about their D.
  14. It is about time. He was a mess.
  15. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010/writers/don_banks/11/21/snap.judgments/ Listening to NBC they said he Told Fisher that he was not walking out on his teammates but Fisher. I wonder where his next gig will be.
  16. That reminds me of when Jamal broke the single game record against Cleveland. They said if it wasn't those 3 runs and we would have held him to about 100 yds. I agree with what you said about Mattison. He is full of it. I could say say The Ravens should have lost to Cleveland and Buffalo. The Pats found a way to beat the Ravens Yeah and 14 of that was 2 pick-6's when Carolina was driving to get it within one score with less than 5 mins left. It should have been at least 3 scores different by that point.
  17. OK. Wow only 2 in history. I would never have thought that.
  18. OK one is for 30 picks. What is the second?
  19. I just see them through clear frames. I don't discount bad things and only look at the good. This team is supposed to be winning in Dallas in Feb by their reasoning. I just do not see it. I never have.
  20. No one else could deserve it more. He has acted like a spoiled child for yrs and now it is all falling down around him.
  21. http://nfl.cpa.delvenetworks.com/delve/player/carousel/embed_code.html?channelId=de89a8aeb3e422bac4eb48567f10ebd0&mediaId=8d20a4f7c03248a48925fc2c126367bc Couldn't happen to a better diva.
  22. You did this against the worst team in the league. The Ravens should have put the over their knee and beat their ass. They did not do that.
  23. I think you should be worried about Mike Goodson(notes) 22 120 5.5 Take you foot off the throat of the stealers, Houston, or NO. Take your foot off of Cleveland now. Keep doing it and this team will be sitting on their couches in January.
  24. Again not keeping the foot on the throat.
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