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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. Reebok has the contract curently. Nike wouldn't be able to go grab players tomodel the new stuff. After the season that would change I would think.
  2. Also watch out for the Titans. They could sneak into the wildcard.
  3. I would think they would be while Reebok still has rights.
  4. Ah no I don't think so. Nike won the contract so they start making them in 2011. They said they would make changes. I just didn't expect this. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-10-12/nike-awarded-nfl-apparel-license-replacing-reebok.html
  5. Hate it (so Oregon) Sucks Sucks
  6. Like it HAHAHAHAHA they should definatly go that way. Like it
  7. Enjoy the list. Like it Like it Hate it
  8. Unless it is this St Pierre it shouldn't matter. They better win by 13 and not give up more than 20 or they are in bad shape.
  9. This is the reason why I would be reluctant to give any big money to a player. To many of them will not try to live up to the deal.
  10. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/11/16/eight-year-old-jets-fan-allegedly-tackled-while-leaving-browns-game/ I really don't feel bad that Lebron left. Horrible city that deserves nothing good.
  11. He gets hurt and hops 8 times before coming back for the ball.
  12. Being hurt and skipping to be open is impressive.
  13. So this is what it looks like inside?
  14. http://www.nfl.com/videos/new-york-jets/09000d5d81c1b0b5/Injured-Cotchery-makes-clutch-catch
  15. They have to make up for those lousy west teams that always play at 4pm.
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