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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. Also it goes to show how padded those stats were against the Jets, Bungels, and stains.
  2. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/11/11/goodell-ties-atlanta-super-bowl-to-new-stadium-says-game-is-meant-to-be-played-in-the-elements/ Talking about replacing an 18 yo facility is insane. After your coment it sounds like the dome is nice also.
  3. He is getting older. I would have parted ways a couple of yrs ago but they didn't. I am just pointing out that the falsehood of Kelly being some great passrusher is hogwaush. It is much like Izturis being criticized this season for not producing with the bat. When he was signed they knew he could not bat. They got hiim for his glove.
  4. 2010 really. He has blown all season. Thur he decided to post. To me that says you suck in the totality of the season. Maybe from this point he will show. Right now you have one solid performance.
  5. He was chucking White. So he should have been flagged at that point anyway.
  6. But I would also say Cody being in there allowed for no passrush in the middle. So it can be a robbing peter to pay paul situation.
  7. Gregg has a career high of 3.5 sacks. He only has 19.5 for a career total. He was never a passrusher. I don't get the Cody pick since he will never be a passrusher. I wanted guys like Odrick, Houston, Neal, Smith, and Atkins at DT. They could have also gone Griffen, Wootton, and Carrington at DE. They didn't need to go early to get good players to help out.
  8. It is big. The one thing is Ben never seems to care about his OL going down. Last yr they were in the same situation and ben got through it.
  9. Cmac was done. They should go back to the draft to fill up more at CB. For some reason they will not go to the small cover corner. They are insistent on a big 6' guy. They are so rare I would scoop up a solid small guy if he were available in the draft. Hell I wish they had traded for Alphonso Smith. He is doing well now that he was traded out of Denver.
  10. So Suggs has one really good game in about 2 seasons and all is well there.
  11. If they can get Harewood going it will make things much better. They better draft a center soon. Birk is only OK and Chester is at best OK at RG but do you want to see Chris at center?
  12. Thank you for saying it. That was my point a few weeks back.
  13. I wondered into this pic. I found the original and made a joke about Cody but someone else took it to the next level.
  14. I agree. Also throw in Gonzalez in the week middle and they have a pretty good shot of winning. If White is out that is a guge help. I have had this one down as a loss since the schedule came out.
  15. Does anyone have the pic of Haloti Ngata back in Oregon when he and the other polynesian players where posing in the locker room? I cannot find it on google. They keep dumping a bunch of crap pics that have nothing to do with the search. I have used various combinations of haloti, ngata, polynesian, pose, oregon, ducks. I just can't find it.
  16. http://www.tbs.com/video/conan.jsp?oid=233816&eref=sharethisUrl Hilarious
  17. Yeah I have heard him their once too.
  18. papasmurfbell


    Here is my take. What makes this any different than 94? Why does this country keep letting two monolithic political parties keep taking turns to waste our money and future? I barely voted for either the Dems or Reps yesterday. I went libertarian or write ins like Bulwinkle for various seats.
  19. This was amazing. Many will not say it but I will. I am glad Upshaw is dead and I am happy it was a painful death. He was a prick and deserved what happened.
  20. http://video.yahoo.com/watch/8491529/22708529 Gotta feel bad for this kid. I guess he wasn't taught to kick in the wind.
  21. That is the measuring stick loss.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wybmI_ezdAQ I never got to see it. It looked very interesting to me.
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