If Ozzie had stayed where he was in the 1st round in 2010 he could have grabbed Devin McCourty, Jared Odrick, Kyle Wilson, or Patrick Robinson which filled out the remainers of the 1st round. The only thing I question Ozzie on with Kindle are the red flags. There is no way to know he would do a header down the stairs. If he hadn't let his loyalty to Bama players override his objectivity then he could have passed on Cody and grabbed Vladimir Ducasse, Brandon Spikes, Pat Angerer, Amari Spievey, Alex Carrington, or D'Anthony Smith. Also if Denver was just giving guys away I wish Ozzie had jumped on the Alfonso Smith trade. He was picked up for TE Dan Gronkowski. I bet they would have gone 7th rounder for him. In 09 I think he did well woth Oher but Clay Matthews was 2 picks after him. Instead of going with Kruger imagin drafting Matt Shaughnessy, Brandon Tate, or Mike Wallace. In the 5th round Johnny Knox went 3 picks after Jason Phillips.