Gaither is only a 2nd yr player. He coould be great but unless you find out you will not know. But if you get Gaither and pay through the nose I can see him screwing the team over on the deal. Then you still have Oher at LT.
The owners get the TV money during the lockout. They don't have to provide health care. The players are like Cromartie who has 9 kids by 8 women in 6 states. He also has 5 paternity suits going. He needs cash. So do the rest of the players.
He was weak of will at MD and there was no injury. I think he expects to walk in and the game should be laid out before him. Ogden, Munoz, and McDaniels had to work hard to be great. Gaiter doesn't want to work hard.
I think D Smith will be scapegoated for this. He will not be long for the NFLPA. Maybe the next guy will get these guys to be responsible. On a 2nd thought no that guy won't get it done either. In that Jack White will still be working it is not the end of the world. But it was great to see a band that is really a throwback to the way music used to be made.
The only way they can fight is to try to hold out and get the owners to break. The way the players crap their money away that will not happen. I wonder if the smart players who saved will contribute to keep the idiot ones going. The owners get to keep the TV money and cut off the health insurance for players. This will not last long. HAHA. Mr Thin Skin Snyder wants the reporter who did this piece fired or he will file suit.
That is great. You know when you hear people call into the radio and say just be happy we have a team or something similar. This is what you get when you have that mentality. When you demand greatness the franchise will try to deliver.