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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. IN N.Y. Jets I think they will have just enough to win the Div. Cincinnati They win the Div by 2 games. San Diego I just don't see who would be better than them. Indianapolis Win Div. New In's Houston The will be a wildcard. Just missed last yr. Denver I think they will just squeeze in. Out Baltimore They will just miss the Playoffs. New England Not enough ready talent. Next yr I think they will be tough to beat.
  2. The only way to watch soccer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4t62Y0Z56rI&feature=popt00us16
  3. This about sums it up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AAa0gd7ClM&feature=fvhl
  4. No they have a media market and charge what the rate is for that market.
  5. I am in agreement with him. I think Chad Ochocinco, Antonio Bryant, Jordan Shipley, Dezmon Briscoe, and Jermaine Gresham Will torch the DB's. Also their CB's are just plain studs. I see a loss week two.
  6. it is about media market. They don't care if we don't like DC. Advertisers don't understand local dynamics.
  7. Pretty cool. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1QKQih7pfg&feature=popt00us15
  8. I believe he interviewed to be polite. You can always turn the offer down.
  9. It is a nice way to say thanks but no thanks.
  10. Yes yes I do. http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/sports/orioles/blog/2010/06/valentine_1.html Looks like a no to me.
  11. http://www.baltimoresun.com/business/bs-bz-espn-closing-20100615,0,7452690.story?track=rss They put another bar out of business.
  12. Except if you get the Terps you get the Baltimore and Washington TV markets. Together they are the #4 market and you can sell a hell of a lot of advertising on that.
  13. This is exactly why I said you should trade Gaither. As for Harry "One half of the turnstile twins" Swayne you should thank Ben Coates for playing out there covering him. If you go that route then it is one less guy out in to a pattern.
  14. BP is taking it from all sides. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZHnStD690U&feature=topvideos
  15. This is and only ever has been about money. Athletics in college is about the cash and that alone. It always has been. Now if they do completly walk then you could see the video games for football and basketball being split between 64 teams.
  16. This is the only great thing a Steelers fan has ever done. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JocPcYBCN18
  17. I am having a fealing that Eric Aronson the night guy will be taking mid days over. He hasn't been on all week.
  18. But I do think we would be in a better position in BBall. If Izzo does roll out then I think we would be in an ideal spot. We would be very good in LAX too.
  19. So it has started. Nebrasca and Colorodo are out of the Big 12. I heard today that Maryland might join the Big 10. So if we have four 16 team conferences and leave the NCAA and do their own thing in football will they in time do the dame thing with every other sport. In Basketball they could make up their own 64 team tourny excluding every other team in the NCAA. Personally I do not like these changes.
  20. yum http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6c7Hg89XfcU&feature=player_embedded
  21. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/Seahawks-rookie-Tate-involved-in-donut-related-m?urn=nfl,246624 He is an idiot. I am so confindent that he will bust
  22. I am going to die laughing if he ends up with the mystery injury.
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