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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. This isn't over. She will be back.
  2. Yeah BP is trying to save money by running people around. I also love how they have most of the oil. That is BS. That dispercent has the oil under the water washing around.
  3. Oh I agree Bretta is such a media whore but Thyrll brought up a comeback like week 3 or so. She hasn't done that one yet. Just an idea.
  4. Bulger could get you a better CB.
  5. I do not believe he accidently dropped 30 lbs. That is quite ludicrous.
  6. I think this is not over.
  7. Peter must be thinking things must have become to cozy between the teams.
  8. Exactly. CB is one of the hardest positions to find and they are not given away lightly. Ask the skins if they screwed up trading for Portis.
  9. Yeah they can sneak up on teams again this yr.
  10. There is nobody to be had. You can't just walk into Wal Mart and pick a starting CB off the shelf. You have what you have now. This yr with no cap you will not even get cap casualties like other yrs. Ozzie simply didn't cross all the t's and dot all the i's.
  11. OK please show me where the contradiction is. SB 44 NO strong passrush Indy Strong Passrush SB 43 Pitt Passrush AZ Good passrush and good CB's SB 42 NYG great passrush NE suspect on both SB 41 Indy passrush Chic passrush SB 40 Pitt passrush Sea OK CB's SB 39 NE passrush and CB play Philly passrush and CB SB 38 NE passrush and CB Car Passrush sb 37 TB great passrush good CB Oak passrush CB Play SB 36 NE Passrush CB StL CB SB 35 Bmore great passrush vg CB NYG good passrush Over the last 10 yrs it has been at least one or the other.
  12. OK then there are 2 of them.
  13. http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/baltimoronsbest The draft is Sat 9/4 at 10am. It is 2 days after the last preseason game. ID# is 283443 Password is ravens
  14. Looking at this now I think he is pulling a Haynsworth. He dropped weight so he would not be able to play RT. He is making himself into a LT to push Oher. Being that he dropped so much weight the cramps make sense. His water weight must be very low.
  15. The reason Frank has pass interference calls is because he is taking penalties instead of TD's. He just has no business on an NFL field.
  16. But they do have great passrushes. You have to have one or the other. I don't think we will have either. I was watching MnM this morning too. Greenberg was looking at 10-11 wins. Golic had them on 11.
  17. I guess Troy is staying.
  18. I heard the other day he was not going to be suspended.
  19. Yeah I was just curious. I will go to Yahoo to set it up if you want. I just was curious. Nobody had mentioned it.
  20. No he can't be traded.
  21. Just curious. Nobody has brought it up and camp has started.
  22. I called this.
  23. Yeah those DB's are gonna do great.
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCpPcXROFkQ&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQHVdfMYczk&feature=related Don't feel sorry for them. No bmore fan should have any sympathy for them.
  25. No wonder people don't like Cleveland. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUSqCkIAwBg&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKwIvEVHkoA&feature=related
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