OK please show me where the contradiction is. SB 44 NO strong passrush Indy Strong Passrush SB 43 Pitt Passrush AZ Good passrush and good CB's SB 42 NYG great passrush NE suspect on both SB 41 Indy passrush Chic passrush SB 40 Pitt passrush Sea OK CB's SB 39 NE passrush and CB play Philly passrush and CB SB 38 NE passrush and CB Car Passrush sb 37 TB great passrush good CB Oak passrush CB Play SB 36 NE Passrush CB StL CB SB 35 Bmore great passrush vg CB NYG good passrush Over the last 10 yrs it has been at least one or the other.