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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. Orton is 26-12 in his career. He kept the Bears in the playoffs his rookie yr. He is a very solid QB. He will not light the world on fire but he will get you wins. He shoudl have been the starter over Grossman for most of those yrs.
  2. I agree that it looks like things will get much worse before they get better. The NFL will have to lower their prices along with all entertainment outlets. If they do not the paying public will walk away from them.
  3. It makes for poor attendance also. A couple of days ago on Bruce Cunningham's show they were dumping on Cincy for their attendance issues. I was thinking the whole time about the over 1 mil jobs lost in Ohio in recent yrs and all the closing auto plants Ohio has.
  4. Was Cmac good enough to offer you a drink. It's a joke people.
  5. http://forums.extremeravens.com/index.php?showtopic=898&view=&hl=papasmurfbell&fromsearch=1 Damn. I came up with that idea last week. Where is my cash?
  6. I worked on the field for a few yrs but I will not count that. Two yrs ago I was at Arundel Mills seeing a movie and Kelly Gregg came in with his GF/wife. I just wished him good luck. In 97 I think I ran into Ernest Byner and his wife shopping at Giant. I just said hello.
  7. I said 9-7 before the season and I am sticking with that. There were holes they left on this team. This team played over their head last yr. That doesn't happen 2 seasons in a row.
  8. She is clueless when it comes to sports. She wanted to build a new arena to attract a WNBA team. I guess she will buy the extra 15,000 seats every night.
  9. The NFL better get a hold on the bad officiating. This has been getting worse every yr for about 5 seasons. It is making the league a joke. If it ain't bmore I don't watch anymore. I can walk away from the NFL all together. MLB is basically dead to me. The UFL can get me by.
  10. She is a fool. The way the economy is this idea is moronic. Westport is a great location when they start getting that redevelopment going. This will go nowhere.
  11. It did Richard Seymour. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-N-COI6hhc&feature=topvideos
  12. That is so right on. I have a new way to fix this problem. Qb skirts. You pull the skirt down and the QB is sacked. If a QB does not want to debase his manhood and chooses not to wear it he is not different than the other 90 players who dress on gameday.
  13. I know it has worked in the past. It usually takes a guy who is more in on what is going on. As for the getting info on NE he know less than this guy.
  14. Hey they shoudl put him on a motorcycle and run him into the back of a car.
  15. Now here is the funny thought. We pick him up and get all the info out of him we can. The problem is Shultz would no more.
  16. I guess they got all the info they needed out of him.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQu2fg0ybIw&feature=popt00us0a
  18. I heard a guy who has been a life long fan is saying he will change to a Ravens or Squeelers fan at 9pm tonight. He said this on his facebook account. I for one wish the streak had been longer.
  19. No but Night Moves is a whole lot more fitting for Bob than Art. Art didn't sneak out in the middle of the night.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT2XyIBMWUY They seem pretty happy.
  21. They maybe due but I want to see that number run up to 20+.
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