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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by tgann68

  1. Ben is a little off bc his O-Line is letting him get hit and sacked?? Have you watched "1" Ravens game this year?? No running game and Flacco gets hit like every play when he is not getting sacked. Please Ben is overpaid for what he is doing and his D is not saving his ass so we finally see what he can do. 0-4.
  2. We now see what it looks like when Ben doesn't have the #1 defense. 0 - 4. Full transparency.
  3. Ur right all he has is ZERO wins. ZERO.
  4. That's funny cravn.
  5. @cravn... Our little troll fin seems depressed today after running her mouth and her "half" team took a real beating. I wonder how she'll feel when her Steelers go 0-5 after this week? Lol!!! ;)
  6. @Fin... Ohhh what WILLLLLL we do now that Miami is 4-0?? Pffffft! Fin the board clown was right again! Great job little buddy in your clowny world Miami is 4-0..lol!
  7. @Fin... How did ur team the Steelers do yesterday? Hmmm? ;)
  8. @Fin...^i throw the peanuts and my monkey turns the handle to the organ. Turn that handle monkey.heres ur peanuts. lol!!! ;)
  9. Fin, You come here don't talk football insult others then you get used. You are not even a decent troll not even in the same ball park as a Burgh South at least he knew what he was and what team he was rooting. You are from Pissburgh yet a Fins fan married to a mutt. You have no idea what you are other then you like being abused which is clear. You and I have that in common you like being a jerk off and I like calling you out about being one. Thank you it works.
  10. Fin...of course u would get me banned u don't possess the aptitude to keep up; u r a dummy and ur mex-hairless house maid of a wife is a mutt. Good on her knees but a mutt. I use to laugh at u now I cry for u. My little clown is crying and wants all the big Bad Ravens fans to give her some attention. Is this bc Mommy wouldn't let u wear her dresses or Bc all those new daddy's Mommy brought home were mean to little JT? do you realize how pathetic you are at 1:30am pounding away at the keyboard trying to regain your dignity bc this is te only place little JT can play "BIG BOY" without someone slapping her... Keep going baby girl u and ur mascot will get it right I'm rooting for ya! lololol!!!
  11. ^u can lol at my quite but inside I know ur still that crying ass-clown u have always been. So keep crying my little clown. ;)
  12. @Fin... U r so pathetic u come to the Ravens Xtreme board to get abused bc the abuse u must take from being such a ball-less girl isn't enuff... It's really fun to watch... U r as pathetic today as u were on the ESPN boards but here my buddy is the mod so u cant get another sandy Vaj and have me banned.
  13. @Fin... First off how's my fav fence hopper doin?Tell her I said hi. Ok now to the issues at hand...do u have any clue how little what u say matters after my team just won a LOMBARDI? Given the FACT that after all that shit u talked last year and u just fkn disappeared after we won it all. U dont even have the balls of the 14 yr old girl you are to allow me to bury you yet again in your own stupidity u just disappeared and now like clockwork or the herpes virus u r POOF! U are back! Well I say welcome back i have missed and u ur mascot / my house cleaner and all ur stupidity. This will be fun bc ur real team the Stoolers are 0-4 and ur half team ( bc u dont have the nuts to commit to ONE team) the Fins will be taking a huge fall and u know it and I'll be right here to degrade u as always. ;)
  14. @ Fin You always know what to say to make me feel good. You and your litte border crosser how sweet. Tell us all about how u felt when you had to disapear bc the Ravens won another Super Bowl... Please u hv the floor... Bwahhhhh!!!
  15. The Ravens run for 150yds and Flacco throws 2 TD's as a result. The D dominates allowing only fgs;again.
  16. Book what? Another losing season? A beating thrown on the Fins by the Ravens? BOOK IT? laughable.
  17. @Fin... The Ravens 2012 LOMBARDI must have been hard for you. IS THAT WHY U DISAPEARED AFTER THR GAME? You thought it was safe to cme out? bwahhh!
  18. nothing about the Steelers huh? So they go 0-3 and ur already jumping ship and it's all bandwagoning the Fins now? Typical Steelers fan..pathetic.
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