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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Posts posted by deeshopper

  1. Have you heard of Gravatar?


    A gravatar is a globally-recognized avatar that allows you to manage your avatars across multiple sites. And now, you can take advantage of this feature on both the ExtremeRavens message board, and our flagship blog, One Winning Drive.


    To get started, simply register an account at http://en.gravatar.com/ and submit your avatar. Whenever you create a post on Gravatar-enabled sites like ours, your avatar will be displayed along with your username.

  2. In the past, we've had a fixed and fluid version of our message board theme. With the upgrade, there is currently only one: the fluid theme. A fixed theme will be available later this weekend and prior to gameday. This thread will be updated when the theme becomes available.

  3. There are some very nice features integrated into the board now: Facebook synchronization, Twitter capabilities, reputation ranks for posts, etc. Hopefully, I'll have some time in the next few weeks to get the look back to our traditional branding.

  4. Now it's easier than ever to keep your Facebook account up-to-date and your football knowledge on display for to see. Why? Because ExtremeRavens is now in total sync with Facebook!


    With the newly launched ExtremeRavens Facebook application, you can now connect your ExtremeRavens account to your Facebook account and stay up-to-date on all the happenings from each site at either place.


    This easy to use application works seamlessly with our board, and takes just a few seconds to setup.


    To get started, simply click on My Profile link in the dropdown menu that appears in your member box in the upper, right hand corner. Once on your profile page, click on Profile tab, and then select the Manage Facebook Connect link on the left.


    If you aren't logged in to Facebook, you'll be asked for your login information. This information is requested by Facebook and ExtremeRavens does not record or store any of this information.


    Once you've installed the ExtremeRavens application to your Facebook account, you'll be able to synchronize your settings.


    We hope you enjoy this new feature!

  5. As you might have noticed, the board looks a little different. This is for a number of reasons. Primarily, the board was upgraded and the upgrade contains a lot of new stuff. As a result, the skin will have to be pieced back together. I'll do what I can, as I can, so I'd appreciate the patience.


    Anyway, good to be back!

  6. Got this off the Browns forum, and they didn't include the link. Maybe it is a Sportsline article?




    Posted by Mike Florio on February 21, 2009, 4:58 p.m.

    Amid rampant speculation that Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis will sign a free-agent contract with the Dallas Cowboys at some point after free agency opens in little more than five days, Cowboys linebacker DeMarcus Ware says that Lewis has made clear his desire to play in Dallas.


    In an interview with the team’s official web site, Ware was remarkably candid about the situation.


    “[W]hen we played Ray Lewis and Baltimore at the end of the season,” Ware said, “he came over and pointed to my helmet. He said, ‘I want to wear this star on my helmet, that’s my dream . . . that’s my dream.’ When we got to the Pro Bowl, he did it again. He came at me every day. It’s a great opportunity for him. His door is open. He’s an unrestricted free agent. He’s trying to get down where the star is. He told me he needed me to get him Jerry Jones’ phone number for him. I just busted out laughing.”


    And Ware doesn’t think Lewis is merely trying to leverage Baltimore into giving him more money. “I think he is genuine,” Ware said. “Believe me, he is genuine. He talked to me before he became a free agent. He talked to me two years ago about it. He calls me about once a week and talks about it then. I even said, ‘Hey, Ray, I’m tired about talking about this. You need to find Jerry Jones’ number and fly out there and talk to him. . . . He says things like ‘D-Ware, I need to get down there. You’re the pass-rush guy and I need to play with you. Just call Jerry for me. Just call him. Just call him.’”


    We first suspected that the Cowboys might make a play for Lewis when the team signed his brother, running back Keon Lattimore, to a free-agent contract after the 2008 draft. Though Lattimore didn’t stick with the Cowboys, we’ll find out soon enough whether it was a precursor to making a play for Keon’s big brother.

  7. What I found going to far is that she brought up his rape whan he was 17. The Aids and that situation are seperate. She is going hard for the win.


    I haven't read anything where this is mentioned. In fact, the only place I've read this is here. Also, a negative HIV test doesn't mean it won't be positive later.

  8. Ex-Oriole Roberto Alomar is being sued for AIDS phobia by his former girlfriend, who claims the former ballplayer had years of unprotected sex with her when he should have known he was infected, according to papers filed Tuesday in Brooklyn federal court.


    Ilya Dall of Whitestone, N.Y., said she met Alomar, 41, in 2002 and began an intimate relationship with him in which he said he was free of any sexually transmitted diseases, according to the papers.


    But, after Alomar showed various signs of fatigue, low blood platelet counts and other physical problems, tests in February 2006 showed that he was suffering from AIDS, according to Dall's papers.


    More: http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/basebal...0,2150056.story

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