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Posts posted by geo

  1. I think the game replays tomorrow. Should be interesting to re-watch the 4th and OT "drives".



    I hope I can process what I'm watching from the fetal position while chanting, "Find a happy place! Find a happy place!"


    NO.. Do you really want to replay the Ngata hit when Brady acted like a crybaby, while he completed for the pass that secure the OT.. first and 25, four mintes to go.. and he make the pass for 24 yards! Hard to blame Suggs there, the hit.. one 1/2 second earlier and suggs probably secured a fumble and game over.


    Or do you really want to see what Ray Rice can do with the ovale, 15 touches and 15 yards.

  2. My major concern???


    Why Joe isnt utilizing his new toys, 1st quarter hes spreading the ball to Housh, Q, Mason & Heap, with succes,after the first quarter, I never noticed Housh on the field. Then after the half, it was Joe was only looking for the safety valve in Rice.


    We dont know if its the playcalling, or if its Joe, but I do know that we drafted Joe in the first round, hes our FRANCHISE QB, you have to let him open it up...Joe has 1400 yards passing for the year. With the weapons we have, thats an insult.


    How did Buffalo put 30 points on New England?


    I could live with these numbers if our runninggame was a top five unit like the last couple of years, but the runninggame has been non existing, ridiculos, and an insult. Our runninggame is 15-16 in yards, but 30 in yards/att. I am not sure this have ever been so pathetic, and this with a RB unit who should be dominating and a great supplement, the runninggame stinks, its worse than in Jamals last years, even worse than 2001 when we had nothing.

  3. 3rd and inches..


    Now I dont claim to know rocket science, but NE had 3 over the center, and then to add insult to injury, we go empty backfield, letting everyone know what play we were running.


    I know Cam sends in the plays, but dont you think Joe could od audibled or called a time-out?


    Oh and Cundiff pooching the ball out of bounds after we take a 10 pt lead, was another lift for the Patriots.


    It is just that! This is rocket science for our coaching staff and our O too.


    Btw we are 0/3 for 4.down, and third and 1-2 yards has not been helping us much this season, so I am not blaiming Harbs for playing safe. Just before halftime we got it back at our own 45 yard, here our O again did nothing.


    We have to get better in that disciplin, Rice has not been the answer here. Not much impact from Rice at all.

  4. The Pats game is huge. Talk about a potential great capper, imagine going 3-0 against the elite AFC teams ON THE ROAD :thumbup: after already knocking off the Jets (opener), and Steelers (last week).


    It will take almost a perfectly designed and executed plan to win this game, esp if the Jets knock off Vikes tonight and go to 4-1. The Pats will be playing with asenseeof urgency.


    We cannot afford to leave points on the field (i.e. yesterday's 1st drive GL debacle). We wont get a mulligan from a Belichick coached team coming off a bye.


    Two last points-


    1. We absolutely have to spring Rice and the running game. No question. And the running game has to come up huge.


    2. Our pass D, while largely effective this season, was exposed yesterday. You can dismiss those 2 TD passes to Brandon Lloyd as cheap, late in the half, whatever. We cannot afford lapses or inability to finish plays lik that against Brady.


    If we can make those adjustments, it should be a helluva game.




    Judge and King do just that, who both thought our secondary would be our weakness, they are praising that unit even after this game.


    Our D dominated. To be fair their first TD drive was not good, but they did respond well to play a perfect 3+4 Q. Until their last drive.. who cares? Other than those who loves Ortons stats, btw what personel did we have in that last drive, how many starters? Anyway the game was over.


    And Fabian is playing like that CB who did pretty good in 2008, and he is improved from a more so and so 2009 season.


    Overall I like the fact that our secondary finally was tested, and overall did a solid job.

  5. Offense is working, defense just gave up a TD, and the other team gets the ball back after the half. There is no reason whatsoever for you not to go for something with 50 seconds left.


    Did I mention three timeouts?


    Offense was working, seems to me their TD was all on offense, Our O had 3 drives to finish the half, and did not do the job.

  6. I think the gameplan on Sunday was to run against the Steelers. It looked like early on that McGahee was going to be able to get going and be successful. However, it is hard to have confidence in the running game when McGahee has had two lost fumbles in only 30 carries this season. Then McGahee gets hurt and McLean gets hurt on his second carry and you are left with a 60% healthy Ray Rice.


    True, and this was a typical bonus point when you run against Ravens and Steelers, your RB is going down, this time it was the Ravens, I can recall a lot of games when it was RBs from the Steelers who went out. At least we are going to see softer defenses in the next couple of month, hopefully our runningbacks is ready and healthy again in december when we face them again.

  7. Kruger expected to be out 2-4 weeks.


    This pass rusher thing I am confused, probably not a big thing when we are not facing as many elite QBs like last year?


    Jones and Redding was out with injuries, hopefully they will be ready, Kindle IR, Pryce and Barnes gone.. Is it time for Art Jones now?

  8. Agree on Haloti and Webb, they both played great. However, the OLine wasn't able to open up anything for the run game, so while the pass protection was good, the lack of run blocking evened it out to an average performance overall for them. Best part of the offense for me was the ball getting spread around and keeping all the WR's happy.


    Agreed but the OL was facing a pretty good front seven, so all in all it was okay.


    And really nice to see webb back!

  9. There is obviously something here that we do not know. The coaches see Pryce everyday in practice. Before this season we were told Pryce would only pass rush for us. Well he hasn't done a good job of that. And when Redding went down Pryce was destroyed on the run. We can't have a one dimensional starter on our front seven who can't stop the run. Pryce's tank is empty. Time for Kruger to step up. Kruger had a great offseason and preseason, let's see what he's got!


    Thanks! And this makes more sense than this..

    Harbs mentioned; There is a "high possibility" that defensive end Trevor Pryce will be brought back by the Ravens, coach John Harbaugh said. Pryce was cut Wednesday when the Ravens re-signed Ken Hamlin. Pryce's locker is still filled with his clothes and personal items.

    "Trevor is a valuable part of this team," Harbaugh said. "He'll be back with us."


    His value has to be = Hamlin at this point.


    Btw if Steelers sign him this week, I will be upset.

  10. Same week when Redding is going out hurt, and Kruger has still not played, oh and neither has Arthur Jones, Cody and Lamar Divins.. Not sure why we cut him now before the Steelers game, at least they could have waited with this until one hour before the game, and then cut him next week? If they needed Hamlin back they could have cut Prince Miller.

  11. Even though we have the #23 rushing defense.


    Our 23 in rushing D, is still our strongest tool.


    Before the season our weakest point was CB (and it migth still be), and QBs average pass for 4,8 yards against us, when Flacco has that number people wants Bulger to play!


    Our CB has not been tested, and it migth still be the case when we meet Brady.


    Edit: Harbaugh: 'I would love for our opponents to think we can’t stop the run. Opponents, Ravens can’t stop the run. Just run it at us.'


    Not sure that would happend any day soon.

  12. Yea...I couldn't hear Buckcherry...only the singer.


    For an opening day it wasn't much...but the Browns will do that to you.

    Even the fans were in 'wine & cheese' pre season mode. They didn't get in game form until after Bouldin's 3rd TD.


    Yeah not impressive until that point, even from Denmark with some game pass help you could tell the difference.


    The average fan expects more when you play the Browns, who has a very solid D, not sure about their O though, to me it was like our front seven took a day off.


    So today solid O and ST (No Cribbs return and it has to be solid.) and average or below D.

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