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Posts posted by geo

  1. I am stuck with Giants vs Titans, is Flacco getting any time to throw?


    First drive sucked.. since then wow calm good old Joe cool, and yes the line is doing their job.

  2. The Browns do play the Ravens tough...for a quarter or so...:)...the Ravens put up some points on the Browns...



    Under Harbaugh...



    9-21-08 Baltimore Ravens, 28-10

    11-2-08 Cleveland Ravens, 37-27

    9-27-09 Baltimore Ravens, 34-3

    11-16-09 Cleveland Ravens, 16-0


    Here's some stats courtesy of the Ravens website...



    How the Ravens outscored Cleveland last season in Baltimore’s

    two victories. The Ravens have given up only 14.2 points per

    game to the Browns in the all-time series.


    Total yards Baltimore tallied in last season’s Week 3 win over

    Cleveland, tying for the third most in Ravens history.


    Joes first comeback game! Behind 17-27.. Was it a third a long deep in Ravens territory? And Joe and RR was marching!


    And it was a Clowns team who just have had a big win over the defending SB champs the week before.

  3. Hmm. I missed that article. Would love to read it. That would make sense as well, as Reed has always been a class act as far as I know. You do bring up a good point though about the teams and their defenses. Troy makes our D much better, Ed Reed does the same for yours. I wonder what would happen if they switched teams? IMO, I think both of them would probably take a 20-30% hit in effectiveness (provided the teams didn't adjust for the players' style). Troy does seem to be the more instinctual player, Ed the more cerebral player.


    Troy and DPOY: I don't know. Harrison is making a strong bid as well as Timmons over the first two games. Somehow, If it was awarded today, I think they may split votes and someone else would get it.


    As far as Troy and Ed are concerned however, I have a feeling, QB's don't want to see either one.


    Not sure about Troy be the more instinctual, they both have it a lot! Ed can win games with his big plays, but Troys level on bad days is better.


    In 2008, I would have had Reed as DPOY. And Troy as MVP.


    In a season with major defense impact. Obviously Harrison who become DPOY and Ware and early that season big AL all would have been worthy DPOYs. The two DBs did shine more than the rest that season. Reeds last 8-10 games was not was for real that season, games like against the Redskins game, it was game over after five minutes and two Reed plays, The Philly games did not help McNabbs case. And Troy he should have been the MVP that season especially in a season when QBs (Peyton too) did not have much of an impact.


    I believe QBs and their OCs is more afraid of Reed who I believe is the better playmaker, but Troys energy (Like Ray Ray in 2000-3) gives so much more to his team mates. And the crazy thing is I believe they could play together and that would be a nigthmare for the rest of the league.


    Edit; too early with this DPOY thing.. And we migth have something to say about this if it was decided today.

  4. I am tired of this owned by Palmer, he has really not been the difference since 2004-6, since then it has been a ridiculos weak Ravens offense and playcalling who had been the difference, and a well coached Marwin Lewis team (not 2008), so owned by Marwin make sense not Palmer!

  5. I really the dislike Suggs so called penalty, if this should be the standard, the zebras would have to change the game. Rays so called tripping is a little more in the unlucky category.


    Our D did their job, ST even.. Most of the game we did better, one big play hurts.


    Nah this was on Joe and I am wondering if the playcalls is too advanced Cam! Last game you could argue that the OL failed, and a missing and shaky runninggame, this week they did a very solid job.

  6. Here we go again, Ravens defense is elite.. probably already leading in yards after week two, and hard to see QB backups from Browns and Steelers change this the next coming weeks. Flacco and Cam here we go again, against Jets the OL was not helping much, but they did a better job today, so this has to be on Joe and Cam! And good job by the Cincys D.

  7. Got to give the Bengals secondary props. Joe can't find anybody.


    this is disgusting...like that 17-14 loss...close but so far away.


    At least the Bungles O is not much better.

  8. Big game for the Ravens secondary Sunday...Mike Preston writes about it.




    2 things I still don't know about this 2010 Ravens team: How good is the secondary and can the Ravens run the ball?


    I know. It's stupid wondering if they can run but I haven't seen it yet. They need to run Sunday.


    "You're a moron max!"



    I believe winning TOP is important especially in games against good QBs + give the old people a rest/ Benson a rest and first of all this, give the secondary a rest and Palmer out of rhytm. So run, run wild!

  9. The OL without Gaither is not very good, he had less time than Sanchez, still Joe was in another league.. And 250 yards + 60-80 PI yards, pretty good against one of the leagues best, if not the best D.


    And unlike Boller and many others not very good QBs when he makes turnovers, he is not trying to force things.. And in this game he did improve during the game. Remember how our D after a couple of turnovers normally takes control, that never happend here against this great D, you have to credit Joe for that fact.


    Im am not sure if he will be a top 3-5 QB, but he is pretty close to be a top 10 QB. I take that any day and if he will improve from that.. It will just be bonus!

  10. On defense...and for what his leadership this week and on gameday did for the whole team: Ray Lewis.

    This was a 'Billick lions den' game and Ray came screaming in like a banshee. No fear. Not intimidated by all the hype and circumstances....just focused on delivering in your face punishment.

    Ray marked his turf.

    The team followed his lead. They played like 'Ravens'.


    On offense: Bouldin. He wasn't intimidated either. His leadership showed Joe and the offense 'Hey...we can make plays and throw on these guys!' He was not going to be pushed around by anybody. They believed.


    Coaching: Harbaugh. He had his team ready and at least for week 1, all the work he had them do to improve their game and cut down on penalties paid off. Big.

    They came out of training camp better.


    Agreed.. And Ray was great.. offense I think they did fine all of the recievers including Heap, and btw forget the u it is still Boldin!


    And Carr and Fabian did their job, but Sanchez play and mini Schottys call..hard to give them game balls

  11. And, honestly, I'd be pissed if I were a Jets fan. There's no way they should be losing.

    23 passing yards against this supposed to be the worst secondary.. And they should be winning, come on.

  12. I like Clayton and wish him the best. I agree with Force, for being on the team for only two weeks I think Clayton's numbers are great. For whatever reason Clayton hasn't progressed much here after a decent first couple of seasons.


    I also don't blame the Ravens for wanting more out of the position and picking up TJ.


    Ditto.. Good job by Ravens, and hopes for Clayton to do well.

  13. As I was watching a few games yesterday, the Stealer and Bengals games, I heard how the Stealers and pats have won like 7 openings games. I thought that was a good stat and wanted to look into in

    The Stealer's 7 of the 8 last season openers have been at home

    Compared 2 of the last 9 for the Ravens

    We start this year with two road games against playoff teams


    Seems a bit odd


    And another thing that irks me

    Last year we played Green Bay and Minnesota away, easily the two best teams in that conference

    The Stealers got them at home

    This year, we play the Pats and Jets away

    The Stealers get them at home

    Seems a bit odd


    I'am bored and can't wait till tonight

    Go Ravens

    Nothing odd, it is scheduled, in 2005 we played GB and Vikes here oh and what crazy Boller days!, and in 2007 we played Jets and Pats at home.. that Pats loss when the former DC now.. called a BS time out!

  14. And in the four games without both Ed and Fabian, again less than average 200 passing yards and 100 rushing yards per game, 4 passing TDs, 1 rushing TD, but 9 interceptions and 4 FRs! 5 TDs but 13 turnovers! 60 points/15 per game.. this is more than solid numbers without the chief ballhawk. And Landry and Carr who struggled early that season stepped up! And we did replace Scott with Gooden/Ellerbe.


    GB 3 TD, 3 turnovers

    Lions 0 TD, 2 turnovers

    Bears 0 TD (Return TD), 6 turnovers

    Steelers 2 TDs, 2 turnovers


    And what we also seems to forget is that last year Suggs, Ngata and JJ all struggled with form and injuries and missed a lot of game action.. This was the first season when Suggs and Ngata was not dressed up in every single game. This is as I see it what matters. A healthy D, and the D will be just what we expect them to be and more!


    Btw that Steelers game, makes me still angry!

  15. Now...why did he get released? Age? Health? Lost a step?


    I can think of 7 million reasons why Housh got released.


    Since 04 Housh is #2 in the NFL in receptions behind Reggie WayneLast year Housh was Seattles leading receiver


    Last 2 years Housh averages 93 receptions a year.


    He's far from done, he has a lot of life left.


    Boldin and Mason have to be there too, do we now have 3 of the league top ten Wrs in receptions?

  16. Kind of bittersweet. Like I just said in the Housh thread, I think he would've been a great slot player and deep threat.


    He's a good guy and there was definitely no lack of effort, but he couldn't take advantage of Mason's presence on the other side here.


    I hope he becomes Bradford's favorite target.


    (If you haven't noticed, this whole set of moves has me feeling weird and uneasy. Nothing to do with what's on the field, either.)


    Are you thinking 2011-12?


    If so I am concerned too.


    One part is the elderly vets, but mostly it is the young players, who is going to demand new contracts.


    Edit: Just read what you wrote in the Housh thread, disagree TJ is nothing like Ward.. If anything hate to say it..Heap.. remember Jamal Lewis when he played for the Clowns in 2007! Sure there is emotions, but icons like Ward or Ray Lewis simply is in another league.

  17. Numbers game with the Haush signing.


    Mark is a great guy and he made some amazing plays and catches, but Mark just disappeared for too many games in a row.


    Smith and Reed are not better than him, but Ozzie can't get anything on the market for those 2. So Mark got the axe.


    Agreed + the contract, I believe we will save money and Reed and Smith will be here next year, Clayton not.

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